There were some trends observed in our Watch the video of the dropping tennis ball. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Also the difference between the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 1ms, and the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 2ms, is far smaller than the difference between the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 20ms, and the force of air resistance acting upon a ball travelling at 21ms, , the faster the velocity that the ball reaches. chose balls and surfaces with different hardnesses, textures and compositions in Keep releasing pressure and repeating the experiment until the ball no longer bounces. One of the hunks of information we found was Please enter a search term in the text box. surface bounces a ball the highest. it is constantly getting faster and therefore the drag force gets bigger and bigger. September 28, 2022 by George Jackson. The experiment was conducted well however as the utmost efforts were brought into place to avoid parallax error and it was ensured as far as possible that factors that affected how high the ball bounced, excluding the height, were kept constant throughout the experiment. Balls bounce in ways that are affected by gravity. Let's see if physics can explain what happens. For the lower heights the flight time of the ball was extremely short and again it was difficult to move ones head over the distance from h1 to h2 in order to obtain accurate results. The only difference between the balls is that the ball dropped from a higher height gives out more thermal energy. The temperature of a hollow ball influences the amount of air in the chamber. Equipment/materials used: KE = 1/2mv where m = mass and v = velocity, 1/2mv = mhg - thermal energy (lost as a result of drag). But how does concrete . Once the ball hits the ground, its displacement is momentarily zero. an incorrect and unreliable result. Such an impact compresses the ball 1.4-1.6 inches, or about 54-62% of its diameter. "Balls Bouncing Off of Surfaces.". 1 tennis ball 1 golf ball. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. rubber ball 39 cm 38 cm 41 cm 39 cm. Easy Experiment This scientific mystery can be demonstrated at home or school with a simple experiment. The style of play and natural playing ability can be affected by the surface that it is on. The ball has reached its terminal velocity and cannot fall any faster (unless dropped in a vacuum). Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. This is because the experiment is a very short and simple one to carry out and if conducted efficiently can be completed easily within the time span allowed for collecting evidence. After your partner starts recording, hold your arms out and drop the ball from the same height each time. The ultimate answer was that a basketball Because of the pressure inside the tennis ball, it is how high the ball will bounce in terms of altitude. Does a tennis ball bounce differently on different surfaces? The reason balls bounce is quite advanced science. - Basketball x If you want to make the ball bounce higher, you can try heating it up before you play. The pressure of the gas is a major factor influencing the bounce of a tennis ball. 30% of the energy that the ball hits the floor wit is lost. Height the ball bounced to (average of middle three) when dropped from: 10cm = 6.7 6.7 = 66% of 10 (to the nearest percent), 20cm = 14.0 14.0 = 70% of 20 (to the nearest percent), 30cm = 22.3 22.3 = 74% of 30 (to the nearest percent). If the coefficient to restitution = 0.7, a ball dropping from h1in a vacuum would reach the height of 0.7 h1 after bouncing. The reason clay courts are more effective for low-power hitters is because the ball keeps bouncing higher and higher. Obviously, a ball won't bounce as high on carpet. In the 2018 US Open, the temperature on the court reached a high of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. use four meter sticks and go right the way up to four meters. being able to catch the ball on time was another one of the issues we faced. "Under Pressure: Ball Bouncing Dynamics.". Then make a series of lines every 5centimeters if you are using metric measurements, or every 3inches (1/4 of a foot) if you are using English measurements. I do not believe that any ball will reach terminal velocity in this experiment seeing as the maximum height that they can be dropped from is 2m and, as the ball is quite smooth, I do not believe that it will have enough time to accelerate to its terminal velocity before it hits the floor. The ball moves upwards, reaching stage 1, i.e., maximum height, and its velocity is momentarily zero. The surface onto which the ball is dropped upon will be kept the same. However, even if its bitterly cold outside, indoor balls are a good choice. Aim:To find out what affects the height to which a ball bounces. Floor BoardsEach of the drops was performed 5 times to get an accurate Reading and Average.In this experiment this shown what types of surfaces absorb a lot of the dispersed energy and the surface and which ones do not do it as well.This was done on iMovie and took 2 Hours to Create.So Please Enjoy! Then when dropping the ball again eye level will be kept level with the blue tack thus avoiding parallax errors. concur, which was catching the small balls. This would provide evidence on how the height from which the ball is dropped from affects the height to which it bounces without air resistance. It will be vinyl tiling. Overall, our experiment taught us that harder : an American History (Eric Foner), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), 4-3 Assignment Project Management Strategies. STEP1 - For comparison first hold the football and smaller ball in each hand and drop them from the same height. As a result, they move at a slower rate of speed with less energy. Temperature can change the internal pressure of a tennis ball, which causes it to feel hotter. We then bounced the balls on the surfaces and With this information, we. The trip is going to be thoroughly enjoyable. This means that if a heavier ball is to be used then it will need to be dropped from higher to reach its terminal velocity. experiment. From the above table it can be seen that there were inaccuracies in the experiment. If you string your racket 2 pounds lower in the winter, it will bounce more. Our Experts won't do the work for you, but they will make suggestions, offer guidance, and help you troubleshoot. If the coefficient to restitution = 0.7, a ball dropping from h, in a vacuum would reach the height of 0.7 h, As velocity increases air resistance increases in proportion to the square of the velocity. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. This can be a great way to teach kids about the physics of tennis and how temperature affects the game. From this I am able to determine that the experiment was very accurate. When the temperature of a tennis ball changes, it becomes more elastic and has an intriguing reaction with its gas-filled core. . The balls were dropped from 100 inches onto the granite surface and bounced between 52.93 and 58.43 inches. Record the new pressure reading in your data table and repeat steps 4 and 5. composition so it was higher up in the air, with this we were able to catch the balls The reason is that the molecules in the ball are more active when they are warmer, so they push against each other harder, and the ball expands more. Most experiments investigate the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable. changing air density, temperature. Therefore any change to the height from which the ball starts with affects the height to which it bounces to. The pressure on the ball is created by the air pushing against it. - Rubber ball x It shows that heights were recorded that exceeded the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. For a falling object the Coefficient to restitution (C, ) is equal to the velocity squared as the object is travelling at as it leaves the floor (v, ) divided by the velocity squared as it hits the floor (v, If a ball is dropped in a vacuum. Here's what our experiment showed: different ground surfaces will absorb more energy than others, which means that that push back they give to the ball won't be as strong. Line up the top of the table tennis ball with the top of the metre ruler (i.e. The pressure inside the tennis ball determines how high it will bounce after it has been hit. Take your class outside, to an area with a smooth, flat surface. The steel has a lot of bounce power due to its better storage of energy. Averages are more reliable than using one result as they take into account variation between results. The bounce of the ball is a major factor in the game of tennis. Set the tripod back far enough for the entire ladder and measuring poster to be in view. Balls bounce differently on different axes. - Measuring tape x This therefore provides accurate and reliable results. Balls bounce high, allowing players to dictate how much spin they want to put on the ball. The colder the temperature, the less likely it is that the ball will bounce. However if two results are recorded that do not fit the trend of other results nor are close to results recorded for that height then the experiments accuracy would be brought into doubt. Record the new pressure reading in your data table and repeat steps 4 and 5. Use the measuring tape to measure 150 cm off the ground. As a result, the balls bounce decreases as pressure decreases. Use the pencil and ruler to connect the incoming and outgoing trajectories of the marble to the point where the marble bounced off the wood. One way to measure the amount of air that is in a ball is with an air pressure gauge. CR can be found out by looking at a graph, the gradient, as a percentage of 1 gives the amount of energy conserved and therefore CRcan be found without knowing v22or v12. The tennis balls bounce in different ways. The balls finish up with the same amount of energy and the only energy given out is thermal energy. The energy goes into deforming the ball-- from its original round shape to a squashed shape. Do five drops on your first surface. If the elastic potential energy is the same then the same amount of energy is converted back into KE and so the balls leave the floor at the same speed. The ball exerts less pressure when it is at higher altitudes because of the lower air pressure. Tennis balls bounce due to 3 factors which all work seamlessly together: 1. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. The harder the court surface is, the higher the rebounded ball will be. 2. A measuring stick/ruler marked in centimetres; long enough to record the highest ball bounce. No balls will be allowed to roll around upon the floor creating possible tripping hazards, Safety spectacles will be worn at all times, Clamp stand, meter rule 2, table tennis ball, desk. When the ball hits the floor and stops, that energy has to go somewhere. The ball did not reach terminal velocity however as it did not have enough time to accelerate to its terminal velocity. Take a ball and place it on the 150 cm line and drop it. The whole ball-bounce thing is confounded by topspin and the coefficient of friction of the surface. The average variation between results was 3cm. The felt helps to create spin on the ball when it is hit with a racket. You will need to be able to stop the video to make your measurements when the ball is at its highest point in the first bounce. Concrete4. The air in the ball expands and contracts as it is compressed. The Graph on page 23 shows that all of the results were very close together. From the early days of tennis in the 1870s to the early 1900s, a rubber made of India rubber was used to manufacture lawn tennis balls, as was the rubber made from the vulcanization process invented by Charles Goodyear. Therefore the height the ball bounces will be proportional to the height that the ball is dropped from up to a certain point, where the ball begins to show signs of reaching its terminal velocity before it reaches the ground. Cold weather causes the rubber to harden, resulting in drops in air pressure inside the ball. Repeat the process three times with the same ball and record results. We could have improved this Responding Variable: The height of the bounce in centimeters (these are the results that you will count) Steps: Have your partner hold the meter stick upright on the first surface. Does the weather make a difference? Launch Related Video : The Hawk Factor. During the research fraction of the experiment, it was, discovered that there is a handful of information that would assist my partner and I, in the execution of our experiment. You can shrink your hat without it becoming too bulky by wrapping it in a heat shrink. Taking an average of several results creates a measurement in the middle of the variation created by the experiment, which is the result that is closest to the height that would be recorded for the balls bounce if it were measured in an experiment that was totally accurate. It is important to let the ball fall out of your hands, and not to push it down with your hands, wrists, or arms. For multiple bounces, it's just like dropping the ball again from a reduced height. order to give a fair experiment. This is why basketballs typically require nine to twelve PSI of air, and why balls used in professional and college games require twelve to thirteen PSI of air. All rights reserved. Different factors affect a ball's efficiency, temperature, surface area and surface material are just a few. will differ from the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. The drag force increases as the ball goes faster. AIM: To investigate how the bounce height of different types of balls changes. - Four surfaces (carpet, rough concrete, dirt and smooth concrete). The only difference between the balls is that the ball dropped from a higher height gives out more thermal energy. Therefore the ball goes higher. There is an activity at home that can be used to investigatebounciness. Discussion: Using this experiment, we will attempt to determine whether the temperature of an object has an effect on its behavior. The weight and material of the ball will be kept the same throughout the experiment by using the same ball. Parallax error will be avoided by dropping the ball one time that will not be measured and placing a blob of blue tack onto the meter rule at the approximate height it bounced to. This would mean that one could re-examine the height to which it bounced to and find it exactly instead of having to make a split second judgement which is not half as accurate. A cold tennis ball will not bounce as high because the air inside the ball is not as expansive. The more KE that the ball possessed as it hit the floor, the more that was transferred into elastic potential energy and back into KE. Use the pressure gauge to release some of the air pressure from the ball. The impact duration was between 65 and 71 ms. Balls bounce up to 5 . From dropping the ball we can see how high the ball will bounce to after having a loss or gain of energydue to sound or movement of the ball as it hits a hard surface. was proven correct after our experiment. Air resistance exists but does not affect the velocity of the ball significantly. Each ball in a can is different in weight, diameter, and bounce. Air density will not change enough to affect the flight of the ball seeing as all the results will be collected during a brief period on one day. When contact is made with the ground, the molecules in the tennis ball stretch apart and the shape of the ball changes to more of an oval shape. The results of the experiment were obtained with a method that ensured that every drop was under similar conditions which ensured a fair test. EQUIPMENT: 1 metre ruler 1 table tennis ball. An alternative method would be the measuring person holding a video camera level with the approximate height that the ball reaches after bouncing and videoing the ball reach the top of its arc. The amount of energy absorbed by the surface will affect the bounce of the ball. This is why it. The balls finish up with the same amount of energy and the only energy given out is thermal energy. Air is pumped into the ball and causes it to bounce. Drag is a squared function of velocity and therefore as the ball drops drag increases a greater amount each second. If a ball has a lot of weight, it must withstand the force of the air to produce a high bounce. The changes in shape are due to a balance of forces and energy: "When you drop a ball, gravity pulls it toward the floor. Drop (do not throw) the ball from a carefully measured height using the meter stick. A hard surface like concrete absorbs less energy than a soft surface like a carpeted floor. Although we were correct about It provided me with five repeats so that the maximum and minimum results could be discounted and a reliable average could be taken. Tennis balls can be stored at temperatures lower than optimal in order to extend their life. (2020, January 12). Hard courts offer a medium-to-fast paced tennis ball, as the smooth court surface doesn't absorb or drag at the speed of the shot. measured the heights. It will not have enough force to bounce if it is lit. However when the ball is dropped from a relatively low height, drag 0. Experiment Click the following buttons to skip to a page. If you leave your tennis balls in your car, especially in the spring and summer, you are putting your health at risk. Not This still took us time and we still couldn't catch the Hot balls were the more likely to bounce higher than cold balls. The bounce height was measured at a 90 degree viewing angle to the ruler to minimise parallax errors. What do you think this means about your results? we were able to work our way around them, giving us a more successful In a tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment, a tennis ball is dropped on a variety of different surfaces to see how high it bounces. or carpet. The more particles per cubic meter, the more drag acting upon the ball. Air pressure will affect the balls fall slightly as the concentration of air particles per cubic meter varies with air pressure. To be consistent, again measure to the bottom of the ball. When I drop the different balls onto the rocks from the bed of a truck, I believe the tennis ball will have the highest bounce. Instead, as the ball is still always loosing GPE so long as it is still falling, all GPE is converted into thermal energy. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. During the research fraction of the experiment, it was An increase in m, assuming g and h1stay constant, results in an increase in m g h1 which results in an increase in GPE. Science Buddies: Pilobolus Spore Sac Launch. highest on hard, smooth surfaces. Write each measurement in the data table. Science Buddies Staff. will start at 2m and then move down in intervals of 10cm to 10cm. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. When the ball was dropped from the higher heights the ball began to show signs of reaching its terminal velocity before it reaches the ground. The ball shoots back up after being slowed down. = The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. I'm a semi-professional tennis player for 15 years, and I can clearly claim that tennis court is my 2nd home. The International Tennis Federation divides the surface into levels based on speed, with slow being level one and fast level five. 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