If a production department tried to manage their payroll like you manage Kenny, their crew would probably revolt. For example, if youre a US filmmaker, find the best union for your job role and state and contact them. WebDistant Location Minimum Rates: Effective 07/31/22: 5400 Gen. Foreman (per week) 5401 CLT (hourly) $54.98: 5403 ACLT (hourly) $49.90: 5411 Sub-Foreman: $51.71: 5421 Chief Rigging Tech. Hair & makeup artist: $900 a day (includes kit). Back to Leftbrainer Back to Leftbrainer Contact Numbers for Union Rates: DGA: (212) 581-0370 PGA: (310) 557-0807 IATSE Local 479 : (404) 885-9134 IATSE Local 320M (Savannah): (912) 233-8538 When converting so-called day rates to hourly rates, theres a chance that the resulting hourly rate might not meet a states minimum wage requirements. Its part of the reason why directors get executive producer credit on shows when they direct the pilot. The cost of the videographer will vary based the number of hours of raw footage, the size of the video crew required, the amount of editing and retouching, the final length of the video, the location, and any additional services you request. Like the SAG Short Project Agreement, there isnt a set SAG weekly scale or even a set day rate its all negotiable. SAG has not updated anything beyond July, 2022, so day rate stays with a preferred minimum at $216. Tier 1.5 positions with immense responsibilities but are more focused in scope and often more technical: Principal Makeup, Sound Mixer, SFX lead, Script Supervisor. Avoid opening yourself up to unnecessary risk wherever possible. Crew members are classified as non-exempt employees. Ill show up for $1500, though. Above the line crew are involved in the creative development of the film. Congratulations! SAG rates for multiple programs are put on a weekly scale, with $2,784 per week for both 1/2 Hour and 1 Hour Programs, $3,272 per week for 90 minute programs, and $3,856 per week for two hour programs. Wrapbook document.write(new Date().getFullYear()). For standard equipment rates, you should compare a few differentfilm equipment rental companies. Below you will find recommended production crew rates for the main core film job roles. A day rate that corresponds to a 12-hour day, for instance, must account for approximately 4 hours of overtime pay per day (at least in California, unions, and in states where there is a daily overtime limit). Every sound mixers rates vary, but remember your paying for skilled service. Were a team of compassionate and curious people dedicated to solving complex problems with sophisticated solutions. Many producers will ask a crew member to agree to a flat day rate, and many crew members, especially new or inexperienced crew, will often agree to it. Directors of Photography, Production Designers, etc. Plus, before you can even roll the camera, youll have to submit both a budget and a copy of your screenplay to SAG. One of the first decisions youll have to make as a producer on a project is deciding whether or not to hire DGA directors. Many unions, including BECTU, class film budgets under tiers. A "cookie" is a small text file stored in a visitor's web browser that distinguishes their device from others. Dramatic still means scripted narrative. For Principal Performers, deferred compensation under this Agreement for this purpose may not be less than 20% of the applicable day rate from the Basic Agreement current at the time of performance per day for Principal Performers.". This is your bracket if you are shooting a national commercial that will air on four major networks (FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS). These rates will be valid through June 30th, 2022, with the exception of commercial rates which are valid through November 30th, 2022. And what does that mean for having contractors on your crew? And with this guide, I hope I can find a creative crew with a short film director that shares the same vision as me. Add and save notes within the PDF for future use. It has pretty much everything you need when putting together a film budget for a union crew. Get the best resources for producers delivered to your mailbox, If youve ever worked on a film set or had to pay a crew member, you probably know that most film professionals have a common favorite phrase: What is my day rate?. It is possible that flat day rates may be applicable to contractors in certain situations because, by definition, contractors have greater flexibility in determining their method of payment. Although in the age of streaming, the term can carry a different meaning. Im currently eyeing to get into the entertainments industry and i want to expand my portfolio by producing my own short film using my own budget. Director. Furthermore, your rate may increase if you work elsewhere and travel to work in an expensive location. depends on how big of a crew usually on a commercial 650 gaffer key grip 650 bestboys respectively 600 electrics and grips 550 each, then you gotta rent a grip truck. Mostly camera op or 1st AC. Traditionally, the Netcode was divided into either front of the book or back of the book rates where front of the book deals with either non-network or network non-primetime programs, (like soaps, game shows, award shows, or specials), while back of the book rates were often used for dramatic programs. For network pilots, DGA directors must receive a flat rate for their efforts, increasing with program length. You dont have to use our system, or any particular system (unless youre shooting a union film of course), but whatever system you use needs to be fair to all crew members. Since networks have been around television the longest, they have their own special rules and regulations. If youre looking for a SAG short film agreement, this is likely the right place to start. Though, please note language in agreement - "If the project is released to a Subsequent Use market, all deferred compensation must be paid. Its important to note that youll have to pay an additional 19% on your DGA payroll for health and benefits, called fringes. You can see the new pension and health plan numbers here. This is for companies with up to 25 employees. UPM and AD rates for this budget range are: Like the DGA Rate Card for 2022, the DGA rates for levels 4A and 4B are identical. WebHire Film Crew - On Location or In Studio. Animator!3! In addition to these rates, commercial contracts will require a 19.25-20.5% pension and health contribution. However, SAG offers different agreements that allow producers to essentially buy in bulk, depending on where the commercial will be airing.. Regardless of the commercials scale, the DGA commercial rates for directors must be at least $1,573 for the day or $6,292 for a 5-day week. Day rates are simply a method of calculating an employee's rate of pay for each day of work. Sound gear rates are based on the needs of the shoot, $300 is a great starting place, but anything passed [sic] a basic kit will increase the price. I get hired a lot to op or run a gimbal as well so Im running double duty a lot of the time and that hikes the price up a little bit. It can take many years of working in the film industry before you have enough experience to join a union. It includes union rates such as SAG, DGA, WGA, Local 399's, and dozens of other film unions. But before you say Ha! IATSE Local 873 supports all film makers, at every budget level, with highly skilled professional crews. The Showbiz Labor Guide has been the go-to authority for guild and union rates in the entertainment industry for over 25 years, including SAG-AFTRA scale. Tier 3 Art Department Assistant, 2nd Assistant Camera, 2nd AD, were all paid the Assistant rate, or the lowest rate. Best!Boy! AssistantArtDirector! And if you know the difference between exempt and non-exempt employees, you know that this classification has a huge impact on how crew members total earnings are calculated. Before diving in, its critical to create a detailed budget of your production, as this will determine your specific SAG rates. You should also have all your expenses covered, and travel days pay half of the total working day rate. But as an example, lets say were in Texas or Georgia. If your films budget is under 2.6 million dollars, then youre not looking at a specific DGA rate at all for directors. Rate is usually $2k/day. Well, if you care to ask a production accountant, theyll tell you that the difference is massive. Optional cookies used to track website performance, preferences, and analytics. $1,200-$1,800 (more, depending on the experience/skill). Plus kit fee. DGA rates depend on the type of production youre producing, your schedule, as well as your budget. Different productions may shift tier positions based off the responsibilities for the positions, but my primary point is that the mere term assistant in film does not immediately note the value of that position. Oops! At Wrapbook, we pride ourselves on providing outstanding free resources to producers and their crews, but this post is for informational purposes only as of the date above. New Media productions with budgets between $250,000 and $700,000 should expect to pay major performers either $335 per day, or $1,116 per week. For series, SAG Television Rates. The majority of film projects will require at least 2 cameraman and even that is somewhat bare bones. Actors Feature Film Collective Agreement (AFFCA) Summary, January 2023. As with most DGA rates, network rates are always higher than cable. Looking for some reading material? know the difference between exempt and non-exempt employees. For a gaffer, $550750. Minimum wage will go up in several states in 2022, so production companies will want to plan ahead to make sure theyre paying their freelance crew correctly. Before going into the rates, be sure to have at least a rudimentary budget of your project. will generally be paid at the top of the scale, while Production Assistants and other departmental assistants will be paid at the bottom. Union-mandated rate scales likewise shift in accordance with these different project types. $750/10 is common. $700750/10 as a 1st, and ~$600700 as a 2nd. On a non-union film, rates are fully negotiable. For instance, if you hired an employee- lets call him Kenny- at a day rate of $350, you would pay Kenny $350 for each day that he works. The most versatile film budgeting software on the market, Showbiz Budgeting allows you to actualize your film budget at the detail level, and display your actuals in column format alongside the original. While there is no weekly SAG scale for ultra low budget projects, the SAG day rate is $216. WebFilm Crew Pricing Sheet: Director of Photography Day Rate: $1,500 to $2,500 Camera Operator Day Rate: $850 to $1250 Digital Image Technician Day Rate: $500 to $750 Gaffer/Key Grip Day Rate: $500 to $600 Grip/Electric Day Rate: $400 to $500 Swing Day Rate: $350 to $500 Sound Recordist Day Rate: $900-$1200 Studio Shooting: $100/hour to Do you intend to pay your cast and crew minimum wage or their going freelance rates? Your email address will not be published. Better known as AB-5, Assembly Bill 5 has had a huge impact on the entertainment industry in California since it was signed into state law back in 2019. Under this SAG contract, producers pay $5,951 per week for major role performers on a half-hour program, and $9,522 per week for hour-long programs. Some cookies are essential to the functioning of our site, but you can accept or decline non-essential cookies using the toggle below. As with anything related to SAG, when in doubt, you should always defer to their organizations website. SAGs Basic Theatrical Agreement applies to films with budgets greater than $2,000,000. Feature films, television shows, commercials, and new media all operate under slightly different regulations. Additionally, youll need to ensure that you have an insurance policy thats SAG-friendly. Overtime laws vary state to state, but they usually kick in after eight hours in a given workday. We then add these six pay hours to the eight initial pay hours to get a grand total of fourteen pay hours. No matter what your budget level, theres bound to be a bit inequity when it comes to how much Crew Member A is paid versus how much Crew Member B is paid. With the pay hours total in hand, calculating hourly rates is an easy task. You may change your cookie settings at any time. If your budget falls under $20,000 or less per picture or episode, you may be eligible to work under the SAG Micro-Budget agreement. The P&H rate for performers is 21%. If youre making a studio flick, then chances are this is where youll find your DGA rates. There are of course, way more stipulations that go into determining whether or not someone is exempt. *2-5% budget. Tier 2 Art Director, 1st Assistant Camera, Asst. While premium talent is usually paid far above the SAG minimum, this is the rate actors can expect to make on a low budget studio project or a moderate indie film. Download the updated rates. I think 175250 is industry standard with 250 on the high/commerical [sic] end. All of these rates are based on a crew that works in the United States in major markets (unless indicated). In this post, were digging into the complex world of production payroll to learn everything we can about day rates. Buy now Trusted by industry professionals for more than 30 years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Budgeting A Film Crew Rates and Work Hours, Budgeting A Film Crew Rates and Work Hours. The SAG Low Budget Agreement applies to films with budgets between $700,000 and $2,000,000, making this the SAG pay scale of most independent films. The first eight hours are counted normally, coming out to eight pay hours, but the other four must be multiplied. DP rate is $1300/10hr day. For the specifics here, we recommend consulting the DGA directly. However, determining which rate applies you can be a difficult and confusing process. Foley!Artist!2! Whether youre dealing with SAG rates or even crew jobs, the rates for working on a network show are often higher than cable. Wardrobe / Prop StylistPrint $750 / 10 Hr DayAdvertising $1000/ 10Hr Day. Art!Department!CoD! You may change your cookie settings at any time. Actors Feature Film Collective Agreement (AFFCA) Summary, January 2023. This is how much you charge for your work per hour, day, or week. apher. As you can tell, the contract language here can often become confusing and widely varied, so always consult with the DGA first. If your project falls between 3.75 and 8.5 million dollars, youll have to pay your directors 25% less than they would make under the basic DGA theatrical contract. Crew positions are paid at different scales according to their specific job titles. Additionally plan for $300 as a starting place for gear (Recorder, Boom, 2 Wireless, and Hardline to Camera). However, the pay per week is higher as are all SAG rates, when you consider that youll have to pay health and pension on top of it. I have seen a lot of producers trying to hire film crew in Los Angeles for sub-standard rates so I got the idea to compile together a list of rates based on discussions that Ive seen in various private online groups. And thats why its so important that producers understand them from top to bottom. Henri K. W. Rapp www.henrirapp.com. If your production goes beyond five days in a week (which does happen), youll have to pay your director in accordance with state overtime laws. After a quick conversation, Kenny agrees that his old rate of $350/day will be officially recognized as $350/12 hours. Every crew member deserves a minimum guarantee. That is, if your production stops filming on a particular day after 4 hours, you still owe them 8 hours in pay. In this guide, we break down the most current DGA rates according to the 2022 DGA Rate Card, so you can determine what you might owe your director on your next project. determining whether or not someone is exempt. Ten? Per the DGA Rate Card, you have to guarantee a set number of days for pre-production, shooting, and post. Really depends on what kind of makeup is needed also. Jeff OrgillAugust 3, 2015Film Budgeting Tips5 Comments. (Who often end up costing the producer and the film more money due to their inexperience, slowness, and/or flat out ineptitude, relative to that of an experienced crew. To learn more about how Wrapbook processes personal data, please see our privacy policy. Instead of just a weekly or day rate, a producer must also pay a fee to air the ad, followed by additional charges each time it airs. We will update this section accordingly. Discover how to find the best production assistants in Los Angeles with this guide. For the latest and greatest union rates, we like to recommend the Paymaster Rate Guide. If you cant pay your crew make sure to pay their expenses so they are not out of pocket.
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