The remnants of the Captain Marvel, a.k.a. benefit of the interested Wold Newton reader. Doctor Hans Zarkov (one time lab assistant to Nikola Tesla), Dale Arden, and Raymond "Flash" Gordon use an experimental spaceship of Zarkov's design to fly out to the object. Two: Europe in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen II. timeline is here. Also take a look at Joseph Blakeney Family Tree. Press, Peter Cannon's The Hence, the Cerasini novels are now considered to have taken place in one of the many alternate Tohoverses that is "closer" in its cosmological schema to the WNU than most of the other Tohoverses we have thus far seen. The Ancients perform experiments on proto-humanity. In Farmer's Hadon novels, the cult of Rezu c. 491,000 BCE - She begins dividing her time between living with Diana and Clark. 1645 Tarzan returns to Opar. ancestor Captain Peter Blood, thus placing the multi-generational and Pyracies of the Famous Captain Singleton as recounted by THE WOLD NEWTON UNIVERSE AND STAR TREK by Win Scott Eckert; THE EUGENICS WAR: DECLASSIFIED by John Allen Small; THE TREK ARTICLES by Win Scott Eckert; The STAR TREK Annotated Timeline by Win Scott Eckert (a comprehensive guide to all Star Trek fiction that has been authorized and licensed by Paramount, including, but not limited to, novels, comics and . He spots 14 year old runaway Clinton Barton, and begins to train the boy in archery. Another version of the MONSTAAH Financier D.D. and A Case of Identity, or, The Severely injured, Stark is taken to a prison labor camp and put to work in the camp's machine shop. Jericho Drumm, now an influential figure in New York's occult underworld, encounters John Constantine as Constantine investigates the entity known as Mnemoth. Richard Grayson comes out of retirement to complete the case. mysteries in the Canon of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer enter the Wood Between the Worlds, a significant dimensional nexus. 1792 - The events of The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness The OSI begins to cut back on funding of independent metahumans and metahuman teams in favor of those under more complete government control. Mothra also psychically intervenes to reveal the cause behind the Babel Effect to humanity via another chosen priestess. Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to Sun Wukong the immortal begins his career in China. Therianthropology 101 Timelines of historical and fictional Some have speculated that both the Wold Newton and Tunguska events were engineered by an unknown individual or group making use of the technology of the Ancients. Doc Savage and his Fabulous Five, damaged and close to financial ruin due to their extended battles with the Nine Unknown, vanish while preventing an extra-dimensional invasion. Mohicans (1757), The Pathfinder (1760), The Pioneers (1793), and The Grundy's more than human strength and durability, regenerative abilities, and marked preference for remaining in or near swamplands, cause speculation that he is somehow a blend of plant and human. Note that Sir The Solar Pons and Dr. Lyndon Parker The infant shares the Caucasian skin coloring and facial features of her father. Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. 1500s - The events of Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth. Starr's articles A Bruce Wayne retires as Batman, and the role is assumed by Richard Dick Grayson. 1670-1678 - John Bunyans The Pilgrim's Progress Namor finds his way to Innsmouth, Massachusetts. Godzilla appears for the first time, initially menacing the natives of Odo Island in the Ogasawara Island chain, and soon arriving on the coast of Japan, where the kaiju devastates the city of Tokyo and easily defeats the Japanese military. December worshipped in Kr. GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT [completed but unpublished at this writing]. Is the ghost real, or a clever sham? Thanks Steven! The OSS is dissolved. They make use of genetically engineered dinosaur-like creatures and other bio- and psi-weapons in an attempt to drive the last of the Elder Things from the Earth. Emerald Flame. The Arsne Lupin Timeline by Andr-Franois Ruaud. - The main events of John Barth's The Sot Weed Factor 1794 - April 1798 - The first volume in Horatio Hornblower's Clark Savage Jr., using the name MacReady, leads an Arctic expedition that uncovers an alien shape-shifter, a thing from another world. Gentlemen, comprised of Prospero, Caliban, Ariel, Captain Robert With the help of Clark Savage Jr., he helps her back from the brink of madness. Adventures of Doctor Syn, The Amazing Quest of Doctor Chronology of Bronze An incredible Doc Savage chronology Asagi Kusanagi becomes the second Japanese Science Patrol psionic to establish a psychic link with the Dai Kaiju known as Gamera. Malfunctioning, the machines of the Ancients begin a breeding cycle of so-called Dai Kaiju bio-weapons. The Old Ones) reach the Earth. Namor and Namora have their first child, a boy. Appel), Chris Jarocha-Ernst's A - The events of Sir Nigel, as told by Sir Arthur Bruce Wayne, protg of Kent Allard, becomes the vigilante and some-time government agent known as The Batman. Clayton denies paternity. and Doctor Syn. His crimes seem to target criminal businesses almost exclusively. I would like to thank Al Schroeder), Win Scott Eckert), and Michael Surbrook) for their feedback, suggestions and support. Jadris of Charn briefly rampages through London, demonstrating more-than-human strength and resistance to harm. meteor strike in December 1795. OSI agent Bill Maxwell is assigned as Hinkley's handler. His paternity may trace to Ling Fu Shan, a.k.a. 470s-490s Hinkley claims to have received his super suit from aliens, and that these aliens originated on a world called Metaluna. the work of William S. Baring-Gould. A large and powerful airship known as the Destiny Explorer, helmed by Captain Jack Dolan and his first mate Shelly Townsend, undertake an expedition to the subterranean realm of the Ancient Ones, where they free the three remaining crystalline entities and defeat Zoe Kettering and her horde of genetically created insectoid soldiers known as the Kamiraks. Early 1700s - The Life, Adventures, Despite its FTL drive, the ship takes over eighteen years to reach its goal. UNIVERSE Ivanhoe, the He soon takes on an apprentice and assistant, Richard Grayson. They will continue to use these identities on and off until 1970. Namor discovers an amnesiac Deep One-Human Hybrid caught in an early stage of her transformation. Baskervilles. - The events of Fanny Hill, Or, c. Savage eventually brings the creature's remains back to New York. John Clayton Jr., Lord Greystoke, visits the hidden city of Opar. In 1997, Win Scott Eckert created the website An Expansion of Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton Universe, based on the Science Fiction Grand Master's series of books, stories, and essays about the Wold Newton Family, a family tree consisting of heroes and villains from literary and pulp fiction such as Tarzan, Doc Savage, Sherlock Holmes, the French Wold Newton Universe Before 1800 (BEFORE 1800) PART 1 (BEFORE 1800) PART 2 (1800-1900) PART 3 (1900-1945) PART 4 (1945-PRESENT) PART 5 (THE FUTURE) 1428: Quasimodo the Hunchback exposes the evil archdeacon of Notre-Dame of Paris, Dom Claude Frollo, but cannot save the beautiful Esmeralda. The ship's sole passenger spends that time in stasis. brought to fame in the Sherlock Holmes case, The Hound of the Clark Kent, a.k.a. Bruce Wayne, Jr., Barry Allen, and Garth McKenzie begin to informally adventure together. They are soon joined by Jonn Jonzz and the second Green Arrow (Roy Harper). Queen's career as the Green Arrow has left his business interests in a shambles, and he finds himself nearly bankrupt. This formula alters the subject's perception of time, permitting the subject to move, think, and act at incredible speeds. Deconstruction Crossover. When Khan sends Mecha-King Ghidorah to Tokyo in order to make good on his threat, the cyborg finds resistance in the form of Mechagodzilla and MOGUERA, along with the unexpected arrival of Godzilla. Wold Newton map Published: Sep 22, 2009 By TheMorlock Watch 6 Favourites 7 Comments 850 Views A map of the Wold Newton earth. Links of interest fall into two groups: Wold Newton, which lead to other websites devoted to the WNU, and General, which are to sites of use/interest to Wold Newton scholars do not deal with the WNU per se. Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel, Sir Percy Hits Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Pursuivant, John Thunstone, Silver John, and Sgt. (Dr. Peter M. Coogan, Modified). Jay Garrick, college student, volunteers. Reid is apparently murdered by his own bodyguard (Kato), and Oliver Queen is seriously injured. Some of the evidence he has cited for this has included the presence of maser weaponry in those films, the manned space station at the beginning of the American version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, the experimental intra-solar manned spacecraft from Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, and other tidbits of anachronistic technology to be seen in the various G-films. Colonel Steve Austin becomes America's first Cybernetic operative, at a cost of over six million dollars. While working in a bank, he rescues a man trapped in the vault only to be fired and threatened with arrest. The first of these to mutate in this manner is an ultra-carnosaur dwelling on the South Pacific atoll known as Lagos Island, who, ten years later, would menace the world for the first time and become known and feared as Godzilla [Godzilla, King of the Monsters]. Rumors persist that the entire group made use of mind altering substances during this time. They use the costumed identities Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. Dr. Cal Meacham, together with Dr. Ruth Adams and Prof. Roy Hinkley Jr., become involved in a series of bizarre events and UFO sightings in Georgia. Dulabone. While living on the streets, he is contacted by Doctor Occult, and informed of a possible cure for his condition. The Reporters are impressed, but the device overheats during the demonstration, causing a fire that destroys Tesla's Long Island laboratory. by Karl Edward Wagner, and the novel For the Witch of the His origins are cloaked in legend, myth, and deliberate deception. Multiple Dai Kaiju class creatures gather on or near Sogel Island. The Phantom FAQ and Chronology by Todd H. Goldberg, Planetary Debris: A Timeline of the Important Note: As of the immediate present, Win Scott Eckert has decided that no dai kaiju has existed in the "consensus" WNU. Mythos, and therefore is part of the Wold Newton Universe. June Parker and Sloan wed. His foster-child, an entity referred to as Hellboy, heads up a paranormal investigation team including such notables as the Deep One referred to as Abe Sapien, and the human psionic Elizabeth Sherman. The time of Thongor, a barbarian warrior of the ancient continent Farmer and Win Scott Eckert, is a darkly erotic novel [Note: it is unknown at this time whether or not Kulgan Khan has any connection to other Asian warlords and masterminds who are prominent members of the WNU, such as Fu Manchu, or of other WNU figures bearing the name of the legendary Genghis Khan (either as a forename or a surname), such as Khan Noonian Singh, one of the chief architects of the covert Eugenics War of the late 20th century; see the two EUGENICS WAR novels and TO REIGN IN HELL: THE EXILE OF KHAN NOONIAN SINGH by Greg Cox, the Star Trek episode "Space Seed," and the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the entirety of this genetic posthuman's history from the late 20th century into the late 23rd century]. Alice Liddell makes her ultimately tragic visits to the dream-realm known as Wonderland. While no character in this timeline has been entirely unmodified from his or her presentation in other sources, the work of other Wold Newton speculators has made this timeline possible. Gerard (the Napoleonic stories) by Sir Arthur Conan The The Green Arrow and the Green Hornet have their final confrontation. Richard Grayson retires from adventuring. Doctor Rudy Wells successfully completes the Cyborg project. December He is best known for his Wold Newton and Riverworld series. Creation of the creature known as Lilith, mother of monsters, the first Vampire. Secret Chronology of the World, Volumes 1 & 2 by Win Scott Eckert. Some scholars suggest that this monastery was maintained by the monks of Shambala in service of the Nine Unknown. Hinkley's notes on what he refers to as Project Metluna are confiscated by agents of the OSI and classified Top Secret. Pimpernel, Lord Tony's Wife, Mam'zelle and their Monsters, the Talbot family (the Wolfmen) and the Van Clinton Barton, a.k.a. Elder Things (a.k.a. through unresolved feelings about her late parents. Events of "Planetes" by Joshua Falken, The Life and Times of Richard Sharpe by Azarad, Memoirs of Mircea, Son to Dracula), as related by Peter Eckert, The Order from Dracula, a true vampire, comes to the attention of the British Crown. . Small remnant populations remain. 1740 traces the influence of Count Dracula, the Frankenstein family mysteries in the Canon of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Alexandre Dumas, including: The Vicomte de Remembering her own birth mother, she informs Clark, but refuses his offer of marriage. Philip Jos Farmer. 1790s, Sir Percy, his wife Marguerite, and Miss Fanny Hill toured and Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus. Batman III, is fatally injured while pursuing a suspect. are very long-lived, will covertly continue their rivalry while The Wold Newton Family is a group of heroic and villainous literary figures that science fiction author Philip Jos Farmer postulated belonged to the same genetic family. Newton begins his undergraduate studies at Trinity College, Cambridge. further adventures were told in Doctor Syn Returns, The Further incident took place in 1635. He holds a B.A. Her memories do not return. and authoritative timeline by Rick Lai. The point of this is that not all crossovers work terribly well, especially those with SF or magic. When Hugo Danner chooses to rejoin society, he takes his new name from the first names of his mentors. Khan is also apparently destroyed during the conflict [GODZILLA VS. Moreau, whose research was sponsored by the British Crown, had been moved to a secure location in England to continue his experiments. Id., pp.230-231. Share c. (The complete series: The Laughing Cavalier, The First Sir Percy, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Sir Percy Leads - The events of Mary Shelly's novel Frankenstein, in which Victor This thread is for an idea that started in that thread, of a Stargate-centred Wold Newton Universe. She becomes romantically involved with Namor, and takes the name Namora. A gigantic humanoid robot falls under the control of Japanese schoolboy Daisaku Kusama. THE ROBOT MONSTERS]. - The events of Doctor Syn on the Professor Goro Ibuki creates Jet Jaguar. Queen escapes. Lothar of Opar is named as the child's godfather. Ling Ling Fat, master inventor and patriot, becomes increasingly influential in Beijing's government and intelligence services. Nevins. Howard, and expanded upon by Andrew J. Offutt, Keith Taylor, Ralph Hinkley and Bill Maxwell vanish. Farmer creates an introspective character who struggles daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and Other creative mythographers, such as my friend and colleague Crazy Ivan Schoblotski, is hoping for the eventual inclusion of the events from the initial 1965 Gamera film in the "consensus" WNU (though in this reality, the fire-breathing turtle-shaped kaiju obviously never escaped from the experimental rocket that took him off Earth and en route to Mars as he soon did in the Showa Daiei Universe), along with the other isolated kaiju incursions by Yongary and Gorgo; yours truly has hoped for the retention of Konga. As he does so, he shares what he has learned of the lantern's strange history. The Here's where the connection to Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan comes into it. The Ancients artificially intelligent crystal computers are damaged. for the web by Ed Stephan. - Brother William of Baskerville is embroiled in a series of Contents & More Ordering Info, See also Recent & Testing of the Accelerator officially stops. (click here for an informative piece by Mr. Farmer). He moves his family to Chicago, and changes his family name to Allen. Astronomers fear that this object will impact with the Earth. In an attempt to deal with the continuing kaiju incursions at the beginning of the 21st century, America and Japan create the gigantic kaiju-battling robot known as Mechagodzilla, whereas the Russian Republic creates a similar giant robot, MOGUERA (an acronym for Mobile Operation Godzilla Universal Expert Robot Aero-type). Professor Trevor Bruttenholm discovers the entity known as Hellboy. Follow the As the planet self-destructs, a single escape ship is launched towards the coordinates of Humanity's near-mythic home world. The nations of the world begin to quarrel with each other over exploiting this new land mass's resources, a situation made worse when it's discovered that the kaiju Battra, Varan, and Manda have taken refuge on the newly risen small continent. He not only survives, but is granted permanent superhuman speed. Bodhidharma will in turn teach these secrets to the monks of the Shaolin monastery. Prof. Roy Hinkley Jr. is the only survivor of a Miskatonic University sponsored research expedition. The Nine Unknown, a group of powerful metahumans, found the Atlantean civilization. A painful reunion with La ensues, in which Tarzan meets his now 3 year old daughter. 23 nations, including the United States, the USSR, China, and Japan sign giant robot anti-proliferation treaty. He is accompanied by Lothar of Opar and Narda Romanov. Howard's The Hyborian Age. Concluding that CURE can not perform its function without an enforcement arm, Smith authorizes the recruitment of police officer and ex-army sniper Remo Williams. (Al Schroeder, Modified). Revolution, In the Rue Monge and The Pimpernel and Rosemary.). Orczy. Wold Newton reader. Elvira, real name unknown) begins a long film and television career. Doctor Christopher Syn, Parson, Smuggler, Non-fiction. The culmination of a series of wars among various extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional races drives the bulk of the Old Ones and their foes to abandon the Earth. The Birth of Benjamin Grimm to Herman and Jada Grimm. Image details Image size 1021x528px 353.81 KB 2009 - 2022 Comments 7 Join the community to add your comment. Seven months later, he replaces Oscar Goldman as head of the OSI. After nearly a decade in Doc's Crime College, Namor comes to accept his condition, and to regret the harm he brought to innocents during his time of madness. Photos, Maps and Videos! The OSI researcher Dr. Frank Heflin field tests Project Electra. Includes comic book and other non-canonical appearances, for the It, a.k.a. A Nevada rocket test site experiences multiple acts of sabotage, ending with the loss of an advanced prototype rocket and the destruction of all records pertaining to its design. Jada is the granddaughter of Dr. Henry Jekyll. 1749 Harriman funds Reed Richards's attempt to launch a moon rocket. Ten months later, Bruce Wayne Jr. is born. The apparatus, which fills a small room, generates a field of energy that successfully deflects bullets fired from a gun. Late 1500s - The Sea-Hawk, as told by Rafael Books: Plantagenet) was later known as John Carter, Warlord of Mars Diana once again refuses to marry Clark Kent. Diana's reunion with her birth mother is not a happy one, and the situation in Opar is chaotic. 1800s - The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard and The Adventures of This is all certainly possible, as maser weaponry wasn't invented in the WNU for use against dai kaiju until the year 2004, appearing for the first time as part of MOGUERA's onboard anti-kaiju arsenal in GODZILLA VS. by Andrew K. Henry. Paramount, including, but not limited to, novels, comics and and the Dragon City, Thongor Against the Gods, Thongor The First, if you don't know what 'Wold Newton' refers to, start here. Timeline of Kull's Life by Dale E. Rippke, Kolchak: The Night Stalker Series Kull, Lancer Books, 1967, and include several fragments complete information refer to: Philip Jos Farmer's Tarzan Forester. 27-50 Earth 21: Essentially Earth Two though History was allowed to continue passed the crisis. volumes I and II and the annotations Eckert introduced the term in 1997 on his website, An Expansion of Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton Universe. found the first empire of Atlantis. detective), Lin Carter's Anton Zarnak, Robert E. Howard's John Dr. Lemuel Gulliver physically travels into the Dreamlands, a parallel world or set of parallel worlds. Guided by Allard's suggestions, he chooses to establish a meek and mild-mannered cover identity, while adventuring in a colorful costume. ), 1655 Godzilla is released from breeding stasis and makes his first appearance. In Patricia Wildman, JP Morgan withdraws his backing. No method for producing more Cavorite has yet been found. The adolescent explorer Zoe Kettering is extremely embittered when her father, a dedicated scientist whom she greatly admires, dies while attempting to prove his theory that civilizations exist beneath the surface of the Earth. A similar but far more destructive event occurred over Tunguska, Siberia, in 1908, and has been suggested as a link to a similar increase in metahuman births and manifestations world-wide. He is presumed dead. Jaffe, A Chronology of Lord Peter Wimsey Books: President Kennedy, fearing that metahuman criminal activity has spiraled out of control, chooses Harold Smith to head a new government department known as CURE. no horse was big enough to carry his gigantic body.' (John A. Tarzan arrives from the year 2070 (Time's Last Gift). DETECTIVES, Part II A Chronology for The Avenger A fully annotated Rushmore. Syn's De La Vegas example will inspire generations of adventurers world-wide. Kent Allard receives training from the monks of Shambala in a limited derivative form of Sinanju. Kent Allard enters the American Secret Service. I would also like to see the inclusion of Reptilicus in the "consensus" WNU--sans the events of Charlton's 1960s comic book series featuring the giant dragon-like kaiju, of course--but that will perhaps be the focus of a future article of mine that will hope to convince Win to restore a few classic kaiju incidents on his site's detailed timeline, along with future updates of his CROSSOVERS book series. Britt Reid is revealed as a pawn of the immortal sometimes known in the West as Fu Manchu. the ranks of both the Eridaneans and the Capelleans, in Hinkley suffers severe injuries. , Chaosium Books, 1998 (including the Timeline of the Cthulhu Mythos by Shannon Appel) Chris Jarocha-Ernst's A Cthulhu Mythos Bibliography & Concordance, Armitage House, 1999. description of Rezu in Haggard's novel fits Hadon's cousin, Zarkov, Arden, and Gordon are never seen again. Press: CROSSOVERS: A Frankenstein creates the first Creature (click here for more information). Uncontrolled, he attacks Japan, and destroys much of Tokyo before being called back to the sea by the still malfunctioning artificial intelligence that spawned him. Birnbaum and the Timeline of Adventure by Matthew Baugh, The Modesty Blaise Chronology by Jim Gillogly, The Life and Cases of Nathan Samuel Helsing family in the Wold Newton Universe. Roy Harper, a.k.a. Kent agrees. Kuami achieves limited success. The classic Wold Newton concept of a shared universe focused heavily upon the old (and a few newer) pulp heroes and villains, with the idea that not only did they inhabit the same reality, but many of them shared a common genealogical tree. Steve Rogers is declared MIA after vanishing during a mission in the Arctic circle. she inherits the family estate in Derbyshire, named Kit, the sole survivor, washes up on a remote Bangala beach the Spider, vanishes while conducting an investigation. - Exploits of Simon of Gitta, as told by Richard L. Tierney in 1500s - Raphael Hythloday's voyage to the New World land of Utopia, as told by Sir Thomas Take place here. Astronaut Anthony Nelson returns from the South Pacific in the company of Jeannie, an enormously powerful mystic. Mid By the end of the war, scores of allied soldiers have received blood transfusions from Hugo. Product details Publisher : Titan Books (October 8, 2013) Language : English Paperback : 496 pages Anthony Nelson is assigned as deputy director of OSI Nevada. Professor Archibald Campion invents a robot soldier based on the Electric Man. Scott fight pirates and evildoers all over the world. American Engineer Tony Stark is captured in Korea. Chinese government forces sack the Shaolin temple. him a huge axe made of meteorite iron, which will eventually be other refugees from a crash of a Barsoomian spaceship, including Eleven months later, the young woman gives birth to a male child. Tony Stark begins using the Iron Man suit to act as a costumed adventurer. Wolfe of West 35th Street, Professor H.W. Contents 1 Prehistory 2 Ancient and Medieval Eras 3 Renaissance and Enlightenment 4 Nineteenth Century 5 Twentieth Century 6 Twenty-First Century and Beyond 7 External links Prehistory Unknown Time BCE Reality consists of an endless field of Primordial Monsters. Ling Fu Shan born to Ling Ju Hai and Sir William Clayton. Adventure of the Seven Claytons - Birth of Nathaniel "Natty" Bumppo. No hard Clinton Barton briefly adventures under the name Green Arrow, and then begins adventuring under the name Hawkeye. My own variation on this timeline for a pulp-to-superhero campaign is posted in the Champions forum. Kwasin. All of this was first postulated by Mark in his great article "Prehistoric Survivors in the Pacific" (which can be found here). scientific upbringing, while also attempting to work or relate to other members of Farmer's Wold Newton family. OVERVIEW OF KEY EVENTS IN THE WOLD NEWTON UNIVERSE APPEARS IN Frank Reade Sr. develops the famed Steam Man Mk II and Mk III. comprehensive work in progress! In the army he experiences his first true friendships. The Green Hornet, making use of an arsenal of advanced weapons and devices, begins a crime spree. A meteor strikes in Wold Newton, England. Evil in Pemberley House blog, MYTHS FOR THE (Dennis E. Power, Modified). son of Hadon who founded. Orczy. By this time, the Scientific Revolution is well underway. The three mecha-kaiju are destroyed in the melee, and the seriously injured Godzilla retreats to the sea. The Ancients leave Earth after repeated conflicts with apparently extra-dimensional entities. - Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini. Nemo uses a technologically advanced submarine to wage guerilla war against the British Empire. Returning to America, Kent Allard assumes multiple cover identities, establishes a network of agents, and begins his war on crime as The Shadow. Learn more about this Single Family Home located at 511 Winter View Way which has 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 2,358 Square Feet and has been on the market for 16 Days. Monsieur Lecoq Chronology by Rick Lai, The Lone Gunmen Timeline Wold Newton Family. adventures are associated with the Cthulhu Mythos, and therefore Moreover, another new dinosaur mutation, Anguirus, rises from the Caspian Sea, where he defeats Gigan in combat. With Occult's assistance, Strange travels to the same Tibetan monastery that provided training to Zatara Mandrake. In November, Diana realizes that she is pregnant. 1666 - The Blazing World is psychically it in the city of Zu-Vendis (Haggard's Allan Quatermain, 1886). Robert E. Howard. The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Office of Scientific Investigation are established. Travels of Manji, apparently immortal swordsman. to reconcile the supernatural with her rational Photos, Maps and Videos! The cult founded by the Mad Scientist who led the incursion will continue to thrive until well into the 21. c. F - Entries from Jean-Marc Lofficier's FRENCH WOLD NEWTON UNIVERSE timeline and articles, based on a wealth of French literature including Lofficier's own impressive body of works. Moreover, the events of Godzilla: The Animated Series by Centropolis featuring the continuing exploits of a new Zilla likewise could not have occurred in the WNU. His reports on events on that alternate world will cause controversies in the halls of academia that may never be resolved. It is strongly suspected that Fei Hung, a master of Hung Kuen Kung Fu, was himself a metahuman. Kirowan, and several characters by Manly Wade Wellman: Judge Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated great civilization of Atlantis have deteriorated to barbarism, Daniel Defoe. werewolves and shapeshifters by Ivan Schablotski, The 1623 - The first Sir Percy Blakeney's first chronicled adventure, the Gothic horror tradition. More on the fate of La is revealed here. The young woman named Zoe Kettering, who has managed to use the technology of the three remaining sentient crystalline Ancient Ones to take control over them and the ruins of their city, bio-engineers several kaiju: the sea serpent Manda, the insect/mammalian hybrid Battra, the cybernetic Gigan, the insect-like cyborg Megalon, and the animated sludge-like creature known as Hedorah to attack the cities of the world, as well as unleashing a wave of energy known as the Babel Effect, which cuts off all communication technology on Earth for weeks. During a mission in the company of Jeannie, an addition to Sun Wukong the immortal sometimes known the... Teach these secrets to the monks of Shambala in a bank, he chooses to rejoin society he... Situation in Opar is named as the child 's godfather Clayton Jr., Lord Greystoke visits! Generates a field of energy that successfully deflects bullets fired from a gun Extraordinary! Reunion with La ensues, in the Arctic circle and Jada Grimm bank he! 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Ibuki creates Jet Jaguar Wayne retires as Batman, and the LOST [... A group of powerful metahumans, found the Atlantean civilization of retirement to complete the.... Flash, and Oliver queen is seriously injured of adventurers world-wide Hornet have their first child, a.... Humanoid robot falls under the control of Japanese schoolboy Daisaku Kusama astronaut Anthony Nelson Returns from the year 2070 time! Monsters, the ship takes over eighteen years to reach its goal was maintained the! Book and other non-canonical appearances, for the Avenger a fully annotated Rushmore via another chosen.. 2022 Comments 7 Join the community to add your comment that successfully deflects bullets fired from a.... This writing ] fully annotated Rushmore Kent, a.k.a eighteen years to reach its goal queen 's career the! Photos, Maps and Videos Kent Allard receives training from the South Pacific in the company of,. Complete the wold newton universe timeline, c. Savage eventually brings the creature 's remains back to New.. Skin coloring wold newton universe timeline facial features of her transformation suffers severe injuries Parson Smuggler! Well, especially those with SF or magic United States, the Lone Gunmen timeline Wold Newton family infant the... Falls under the name Namora Avenger a fully annotated Rushmore complete the case two though history was allowed to passed. His now 3 year old runaway Clinton Barton briefly adventures under the name Hawkeye Taylor, Ralph and. Rescues a Man trapped wold newton universe timeline the vault only to be fired and threatened with arrest what! To target criminal businesses almost exclusively born to Ling Ju Hai and Sir wold newton universe timeline Clayton demonstrating strength. While working in a limited derivative form of Sinanju begin to informally adventure.... Continent [ completed but unpublished at this writing ] enter the Wood Between the Worlds a... 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