E) concentration, The population of the United States is almost 300 million people. C) Studies of genetic systems suggest that racially defined groups are more similar than different. True or false: The beliefs of one individual can seem amusing and silly to someone else. Which of the following statements is true of human cultures? Overview of Ethnicity and Race No. b. Naturalistic observation d) affective autonomy, Schwartz's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the promotion and protection of people's independent pursuit of positive experiences. E) Cross-cultural purchasing power (CPP), Using one marketing strategy across various cultures is referred to as _____. o democracy o In the United States, fewer women are having children outside of marriage. Select one: Culture is seldom transmitted from one generation to the next Culture can be divided into three categories, including material, nonmaterial, and intellectual culture. E) cooperation, Which of the following is considered a symbol that has varying meaning across cultures? How are rapid urbanization and growing human needs affecting natural resources in Latin America? is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned and shared by a group of people, then transmitted from generation to generation. D) In what ways can we communicate about the product? Even though English is spoken in the schools she attends, there are students from all over the world whose parents have jobs similar to Karen's father. Biographer Palle Yourgrau takes us through her thought on Christianity, value, rootedness and history. a) True What is the expected number of whites in a random sample of 5,0005,0005,000 under- 20 Americans? c) Attitudes Which types of government foundered during the 20th century? a. A marketer assessing a society should remember that cultures are constantly changing. There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values. o colonialism, o communism A child being put into time-out b. The average number of machines waiting for adjustment. o Marketers have no influence on a country's culture. c. the most important aspect of cultural change is the alteration of the content of modern media. Population density influences culture, whereas climate does not. Which types of government foundered during the 20th century? o colonialism. He contended that a country's latitude strongly affects its per capita GDP. Sustainability is commonly described as having three dimensions (or pillars): environmental, economic, and social. The system of beliefs and customs held by a population in a given culture. a. Which of the following statements about international marketing is true? Solve for the variable without using a calculator. c) individualism The spread of McDonald's restaurants throughout Asia is an example of: The set of shared beliefs about what a group of people considers to be worthwhile or desirable in life is called: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [a] is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. James would need to learn about poka-yoke. a) Personality a. While running, each machine can turn out 50 pieces per hour. With each move, Karen is enrolled in a new school. (4) During February: Paid to employees compensation totaling $32,400 for services rendered during the month. Ethnocentrism The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. A. Specialized language used by members of a group or subculture. Which of the following best explains the effect of birth control techniques on men's lives in the past 50 years? Its effects on individuals are always negative. The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. It can lead people to think that cultures have more in common than they actually do. Values, in turn, are philosophical principles that guide the common sense of any individual, varying in forms and customs. b) Race is a social construction. His Uncertainty Avoidance Index score is low. Because subcultures work against the dominant culture, they should be suppressed. The process of making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality. (2) During February: Purchased merchandise on account totaling $217,900. b) A racial group is solely determined by its cultural characteristics. - Evaluating the practices of other cultures on the basis of one's own perspective Cultural relativism 1. 8H0 > 0 and8SO>0 values, whichofthe following statements is true regarding this reaction? The probability that a machine will have to wait for an adjustment. a) Culture o Masculinity/Femininity Index affects the way consumer prioritize the things they desire and the things they need. Which of the following are advantages of cultural sensitivity in international marketing? The firm treats discounts taken as a reduction in the acquisition cost of merchandise. D) sanctions and describe behavior? True B. It influences individuals in such a way that they are completely aware of its values. B) work A responsible effort to learn from the cultural ways of others in the quest for a solution to a society's problems is known as. E) lifestyles, With respect to demographics, which of the following refers to the number of individuals in a society? b) Humans are not unique in their ability to recognize that other people are intentional agents. Which of the following statements about individuals from cultures with high Power Distance Index scores is true? He likes to brainstorm with his colleagues and is open to exploring new ideas and taking risks. (1) February 1: Purchased display counters and computer equipment for $90,000. o global mass communications What does the Tenth Amendment have to do with American federalism? Most everyone shares the same values in today's society is considered true regarding cultural bias. (a) The reaction is favorable at all T. (b) The reaction is unfavorable at all T. filhereaction is favorable atlowT, but unfavorable at high ~1hereaction is unfavorable at low T, but favorable athigh ~ fu'""\-"11\ev,.., Consider the . 1. D) travel Which of the following statements regarding cultural heritage is true? c) Etics A. Japanese women develop the self-concept that is bounded in one in which the self is separate from others B. Japanese women develop a self-concept that is flexible and situationally dependent C. Japanese women have difficulty developing self-esteem D. American women develop a self-concept that is flexible and situationally dependent o Markets are static. Does the given item can be properly classified as part of factory overhead for Caterpillar, a maker of heavy machinery and equipment? o fascism c) Sex many women are waiting longer to have children The machines operate for an average of 86 minutes between adjustments. b) Race grain elevator. . How has the availability of birth control affected families throughout the world? a. For the most effective international experiences, train individual employees thoroughly in one culture before moving on to another. Which of the following statements about Jared Diamond's research regarding the influence of geography on international marketing is true? a) Social groups, family, and language o It exists in the mind of each person. C. cultural participation can transform most elements of the mind o Uses the geographical approach to explain the dominance of Euro-Asian cultures over native African and American cultures, o Reports strong correlations between the latitude (climate) and the per capita GDP of countries A group within society that is differentiated by its distinctive values, norms, and lifestyle is a: a. language theory. d. the Structured Language hypothesis. o recognize how cultures change. d) Intellectual autonomy, _____ are organized system of beliefs that tie together many attitudes, values, beliefs, worldviews, and norms and provide guidelines for living. a. technological determinism. Cultural change usually takes place very rapidly. a) Culture is a uniquely human product. Which of the following is true about social control? The ______ Index denotes an inclination toward behavior that advances a person's self-interest. c) He identified six universal values. b.. b. c) Animals have the cognitive ability to share their intentions with others. o It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. Paying attention to the fine distinctions of culture so that it can be studied in an open-minded way, assessed, and admired is known as. Investments are made in an effort to generate a return. b) In animal societies, there are no clear social networks and hierarchies. C. It encompasses all the things that consumers do without conscious choice. b) Masculinity versus femininity D. Absentmindedly staring at the ceiling while your professor is talking. In addition, each year after that, she has promised you a payment (on the anniversary of the last payment) that is 7%7 \%7% larger than the last payment. c) Culture Women are delaying marriage, especially in Asia. Preferential treatment programs for minorities can be illegal in some cases. d. The expected hourly output of each machine, taking adjustments into account. The formal and informal mechanisms used to increase conformity to values and norms and thus increase social cohesion are referred to as: It was easier for ideas and information to travel over the Silk Road instead of crossing the Sahara or the Isthmus of Panama. o They influence people to live in peace together. Which aspect of culture best explains this behavior? Which of the following statements regarding the change in family as a social institution is true? a. that the United States has always adopted a punitive approach toward this substance. Which of the following statements regarding culture is true? They gave men more time to spend with their children. o It affects all marketing activities except pricing. Which of the following statements about race is true? Cultures that score high on the Uncertainty Avoidance Index. c. Correlational research Individuals from cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores, Cultures with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index scores have. -Saying hello to others in an elevator a) True Which of the following statements regarding cultural borrowing is true? g. Property taxes on the Aurora, Illinois, manufacturing plant. They are likely to say that power comes from knowledge and achievements c. They reflect more egalitarian views d. They tend to distrust people who are not part of their group d. Nationwide literacy tends to help a country grow its economy rapidly. It refers to the idea that humans continually improve on improvements, that they do not go backward or revert to a previous state. It enables communication between marketers and consumers. a) mastery Question: 1) Which of the following statements is correct regarding organizational culture? o Governments have more influence over cultural values than religion does. Specific definitions of this term are difficult to agree on and have varied with literature, context, and time. Which of the following statements is true of culture? Which of the following are characteristic of global marketers who understand cultural differences that affect their business operations? b. Which of the following statements is not true regarding values? Which of the following is a feature of language? a) Attitudes Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the use of comments according to the course standards or the rules of the C programming language. o Power Distance Index o monarchy E) cross-fertilization, Which of the following is a key consideration for each geographic market that a firm is contemplating? B) Culture is acquired. o Geography is the key to inequality b) globalization A) Organizational culture is evaluative rather than descriptive. d) Animals do not have the ability to invent and use tools. Which of the following statements about rituals is true? o Climate influences works' wages, Social institutions that mostly strongly influence values and cultures, schools, churches, families, and the media, the preference for behavior that promotes one's self-interest, pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose, pertains to societies in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive groups, which throughout people's lifetimes continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty, measures the tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity among members of a society, a variety of studies have shown cultural values can predict such consumer behaviors as status consumption of luxury goods, brand-switching as a group, tendency to share based on time perceptions, consuming with immediate vs. long-term goals in mind, word-of-mouth communications, impulsive buying, responses of both surprise and disgust, the propensity to complain, responses to service failures, movie preferences, and the influence of perceptions of product creativity, patterns of behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated, In the context of international marketing, culture. A responsible effort to learn from the cultural ways of others in the quest for a solution to a society's problems is known as, In the context of thought processes, Asians. The result has been _______. Cultural values are usually set before and during adolescence. The boundaries that culture sets on behavior are called _____. D) travel It is one of the basic traits of human beings. What is the expected number of racial and ethnic minorities in a random sample of 5,000 under-20 Americans? Which of the following statements about the aesthetics of a culture is true? E) concentration, With respect to demographics, which of the following describes the society in terms of age, income, education, and occupation? o He claimed that a country's climate has direct influence on a worker's wages. b. that norms change over time and across contexts and that changes in such norms are not always predictable. o The dominance of African and American culture over Euro-Asian culture is due to transoceanic shipping. True or false: Cultural values have nothing to do with a consumer's likelihood of griping about defective products and service failures. Which of the following statements is true? a. A marketer who practices cultural _____ is offering products that are much like what is already being sold, and the new products are offered in a way that fits into the existing culture as much as possible. o It is easier to gain entry into a country for foreign investment if local content from the host country is not used in any of the products. o composed of behaviors and values, the seen and unseen, that are learned, shared, and transmitted by a group of people. Affirmative action programs are among the most controversial diversity management methods available. Interpersonal relationships are strongly affected by _____ such as family, religion, schools, the media, government, and corporations. c. Artwork o The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. Two cultures that speak the same language might interpret certain phrases or words in a very different way. C) schools (5) During February: Paid utility (electric, water, gas) bills totaling$2,700 for services received during February Year 8. E) workplace, The United States is comprised of a culture that accepts a wide array of personal behaviors and attitudes, foods, dress, and other products and services. What is the major stated difference between subcultures and countercultures? The income tax law requires firms to pay income taxes on the 15th day of the month after the end of each quarter (that is, April 15, Year 8; June 15, Year 8; October 15, Year 8; and January 15, Year 9). Which types of government competed globally throughout most of the 20th century? o Cultural influences do not affect the expansion and contraction of markets. "The norms and sanctions we use are intended to keep workers and the factory operating at a stable, optimum level of production. A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. know how people resist change within their cultures. focus on the central figures and not see much of the background. a) Cultural worldviews contain attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and values about the world. b) Ethnicities Education is "an investment in human capital," according to economists. (9) February 28: Utility services that the firm used during February and that the firm will not pay until March Year 8 totaled $800. E) Lifestyles, Dale has to write a research report about Poland in his International Marketing class. decrease in cultural distinctiveness around the world. o social roles. a) power distance A) distribution Around the world, the number of spoken languages has been dwindling. a) Society is a system of interrelationships among people. c) Many animals communicate with each other. d) power distance, Schwartz's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the legitimacy of pyramidal allocation of fixed roles and resources such as social power, authority, humility, or wealth. They tend to avoid all forms of hierarchy b. Which of the following is true of cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores? Which of the following will cause the countries within the European Union to become increasingly similar in what they need, what they want, and how they behave in the economic market? c) There are no cultural differences in attributional styles among different human cultures. Which of the following is a misconception regarding the economic unification of Europe? E. Culture is acquired, that is, it is learned. Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy? Which of the following is the geographical argument used by Jared Diamond to theorize why Euro-Asian cultures have sometimes dominated African and American cultures? Cultures with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index scores have. (a) They are partly determined by our genetically transmitted traits. The degree to which a culture will tolerate social inequality between superiors and subordinates is measured by the, Individuals from cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores, Cultures that score high on the Individualism/Collectivism Index tend to. C) numbers When people are introduced to a belief or practice from another culture and they approve of it, they incorporate it into their own culture. The following excerpt is from a conversation between Boris Harris, the president and chief operating officer of Chesapeake Company, and his neighbor, Neil Liven. The systematic study of how biology affects human social behavior. What marketing strategy involves launching an effort to alter anything about a culture that stands in the way of the marketer's sales goals? b) ambiguity b) Complexity, differentiation, and institutionalization the innovation will not disrupt existing beliefs and behaviors very much. avoid the belief that consumers throughout Europe want to purchase the same products. Two operators handle adjustments for a group of 10 machines. Neil: Sure, I can memorize the rules, but my problem is I want to be sure I understand the basic concepts behind the rules. B) size The physical or technological aspects of our daily lives a. social control. Repeat Exercise 9.18 for a standard deviation of 10. a) Hofstede suggests that there are four dimensions that differentiate cultures. They usually think people should be treated equally, and they say power comes from knowledge. Military uniforms are connected to others, but only in a loose way. B) optimization Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. Exchange puzzles with a classmate. d. cultural warfare. E) all of the above E In preparing for the Module 2 Discussion 2, you learned that news of the changes in Grand City has been spreading throughout the state and garnering interest among leaders in many View full document. A. Consciously stilling a laugh when someone walks into class with toilet paper on his or her shoe. C) Psychographics b. They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. Which of the following statements is NOT true of animal culture? When a company's sales revenue is increasing, high operating leverage is good because it means that profits will increase rapidly. The firm does not use a separate Accumulated Amortization account for the patent. people have some reason to be quite interested in the innovation a) Religions The loss of various spoken languages is part of a general. Neil: Okay, our instructor says that its critical we understand the basic concepts of accounting, or well never get beyond the fi rst test. a) True a) Emics; Etics b) uncertainty avoidance a) Attributions c. value. What method would you use to measure it? b. more. B) Demographics One suggestion for building a culture that respects diversity is that managers should be accountable for diversity-related goals. Families throughout the world be properly classified as part of factory overhead Caterpillar. Loose way they pay attention to cultural differences in attributional styles among different human cultures high on the central and... 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