Her husband claimed she purchased the poison to get rid of some fire ants in her yard. All requests were flippantly dismissed and Charles Couch now sets beyond the reach of American justice complements of Joe Rotunda, Texas Securities Enforcement Division, the Texas State Securities Board and the SEC., When you consider that the Texas Securities Enforcement Division with 6 regional offices and 100 staffers but can only eek out 13.5 civil and criminal enforcement actions per year, in the Worlds epicenter of oil and gas fraud, it becomes quite clear that there is either mass corruption or/and or mass incompetence permeating the Texas State Securities Board. Marcus: Thanks. You got the nerve to use the word fiction? Quit telling people to go to your dumbass website. It was all a big joke to them. A serpent? After seeing the evidence, youd have to be an idiot to believe Richard, if youre thinking in your right mind. who killed her if you believe that. Update on Nancy Dillard Lyons Killer Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You are the one who seems to believe in fiction by defending this scumbag tooth and nails. That law/right has ended up causing a lot of innocent people to end up in jail in that country, along with the beyond foolish war on drugs, which have put a lot of innocent mothers, wives, and girlfriends to end up in jail for longer than the actual drug dealers (Im talking about 20 year mandatory sentences, mandatory sentences for anything is foolish there are always exceptions)!!! And how a lawyer could have on his conscience that someone was imprisoned possibly, probably or certainly because of his ambition improperly to win his case is beyond me. Juries lean towards conviction, they do not assume innocence as they are supposed to. There are 100 others that say a different story. The woman who rented the condo cannot be located a tip off that she was paid off. This is such a tragic case for all involved. Thanks for writing in I had never heard that theory. I imagine that if you had evidence that you ingested arsenic at the hospital, and not prior to admission, the police would investigate the hospital. Our King and redeemer Jesus Christ the son of God. I can only think of one plausible reason, and I think this poor guy may have gone to jail, right after losing his wife, for something he didnt do. Read what CCA pressure treated wood can do. Your email address will not be published. There was no proof that Richard had any arsenic, Nancy had no arsenic in her stomach, there was no arsenic found in any of the food or in the house, the pill bottles did not contain poison nor Richards fingerprints, and they were found over six months after Richard left the condo (which the police had access to) and the condo was owned by a friend of Tramwell Crowe. Dont drop the soap Richie!! Many doctors discount what their patients say, and hospital staff are often overworked with little sleep. In my view there is too little doubt to permit acquittal, but I accept that this wasnt quite a slam-dunk. A grim-looking Richard showed up on Goldens doorstep in January 1991 to ask if she and her husband would look after his daughters while he took Nancy to the emergency room. Things then got worse when she found out that her husband Richard was having an affair in the fall of 1989. She loved him unconditionally and he latched onto her for his own gain. . https://obits.dallasnews.com/us/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/name/jerri-sims-obituary?id=2148042. All the evidence against him and he still wont fess up to his crime. Sociopaths are pathological liars and will lie to the bitter end unless there is something in it for them to be truthful. I saw him yesterday. Folks, its Camelot. The inheriting of considerable wealth (presumably) has been a perfectly sufficient motive for numerous others murderers and while its no proof in itself, what makes it unlikely in his case in the absence of stronger contenders AND with other suspicious circumstances AND with a wife he evidently cared little for given his affair? The system didnt work, or it did work?, The difficulty supporters of those they claim are wrongly convicted have is that they are usually, understandably, close to the convict, motivated by bonds of love and affection to support their claimed innocence. As FF presents it, theres little doubt Lyons guilty. It certainly doesnt mean thats the case here, and I dont believe it is. But he did not kill his wife. The grieving husband also showed authorities an anonymous letter Nancy had received; it threatened violence if she went ahead and testified against a former colleague named David Bagwell who allegedly embezzled $720,000 from Trammell Crow. Lyons sentence began on December 19, 1991 less than a year after Nancy Dillard Lyon died. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his pathetic life. The SEC brought a successful multiple securities violations lawsuit against Charles O. Couch, in June, 2016, when Charles Couch agreed to pay $10,000,000 to the SEC and some of his hundreds of victims. Friends of Richard Lyon should spend their time being Friends of Anna and Allison instead. Marcus, No winners in this case. Anyone who says outright that someone is innocent, who wasnt with that person every second (basically, a conjoined twin), is a fool. Do you know how to spot a liar with a business proposal? His world was mundane middle-class Connecticut - hers the wealthiest neighborhood in . We judge, society judges. A combination of an aggressive work schedule and the duties of raising young children took its toll on Nancy. Situation like that they could had hired to handle the cause of the issue! For all I know, you are a suspect trying to keep all eyes on Richard. If Eve died of poisoning that wasnt accidental or suicidal and assuming the absence of a toxic serpent (not that it could cause ingestion poisoning) its safe to assume Adams proximity is probative, despite absence of his fingerprints/DNA. The supposed third party needed motive AND opportunity. Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut with this . And Thank God. The fake invoice for arsenic, the movie incident where he was upset because she wouldnt drink the soda (who gets upset about something like that?) Just put some updated info on website. You have to look at the evidence. TX is an embarrassment when it comes to justice for its citizens. We in Connecticut who know him and his family, maintain that he is innocent. They took three hours to find Richard Lyon guilty of first-degree murder. Charles Couch lied under oath and by the way, did any of you see this? Guess the daughters, Anna and Allison really do wish to be left alone: neither one appears to support FORL/Cathy in their fathers conspiracy-steeped innocence. Neither does the Innocence Project. I feel he is smart enough to find bored and lonely sycophants to engage in defending him when even FIVE legal services that offer assistance to unjustly convicted prisoners have declined to take on his case. I believe they definitely got it right in this case, but how many times have you heard people say, Where theres smoke, theres fire. Michael Peterson did after only 98.5 months of his life without parole sentence. In early 1990, Richard moved out of the house and continued his extramarital relationship. Interesting correlation https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/26/us/the-poison-is-arsenic-and-the-suspect-wood.html. Anna is now a dentist in the Dallas area. The doctors there refused to acknowledge the poisoning because it would involve litigation. She wasnt poisoned by anyone. Rot in that cell you scumbag Richard Lyon. Even a cursory reading of his support materials makes it obvious why none of the innocence projects will take his case. He already destroyed Nancys and the family did nothing but look the other way. It no longer exists. Not all people are as closed-minded as you are. I imagine the prisons low-medium security. No one ever made mistakes on dosages?! William Dillard, Jr. and his wife Mary Helen raised Anna and Allison. Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Sensationalizing this with false narratives and TV crime drama does not help anyone involved. My state is only slightly better. He began his prison sentence at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville. The first two didnt work, and you finally finished her off with arsenic, a tried-and-true method of producing death., Creuzot gave him life in jail and a $10,000 fine. She came in contact with wet, burnt, pressure treated wood. Nancys death was a tragedy all the way around and has affected many lives. But I have faith. Man has to answer to man what comes later is based on personal belief. After being treated as Royalty by Texas Securities top enforcement dog, Joe Rotunda and the lose way in which the law suit was handled by the SEC, the only thing that might come as a surprise is that Joe (Rotunda) and Jay (Oman, Deputy Director of Enforcement) did not give Couch a ride to the airport., One of our clients, I understand, made repeated request to both agencies to seize or freeze Couchs assets, to stop the selloff of investors assets and take measures to prevent his leaving the country. Richard began an affair with a coworker named Tami Ayn Gaisford around 1989. 00612188 in the capable hands of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. But theres a caveat: POSSIBLY they think he has SOME case but that its weaker than other cases and they have to prioritise them, rather than that there is no merit in his claim. I suggest you watch, Life After Life, the Michael Morton story. Many examples of such, especially in TX. Quoting from trial transcripts is all very well but their content is what convinced the jury. Bar exam. The principle is widely accepted in scientific and legal procedure, being obvious, really. But I wouldnt be surprised if he has some fool acting on his behalf. Without DNA evidence, it is difficult to get acceptance from an innocence project. Hes right where he belongs! May he be haunted every day and night by what hes done. Richard forged the part of the diary about the abuse. Richard first sprang into action by sprinkling a powdered poison into a soda he bought for Nancy at the movies. but only because they WANT to. But Im not as pessimistic as you that theyre composed of such fools What would you have instead? Your comments to Samadhi are very disparaging and racist. In a Texas Monthly story, Gayle Golden wrote about Nancy and Richards early years: At Harvard, they had teamed up on all their projects, working through the night until collapsing together in the single bed they shared. All of us are sinners and fall short of the glory of our Heavenly Father and his dear son Jesus Christ. But do I blame them? Lets hope someone brings that up at the 2021 parole hearing. He died of a brain tumor. A detective noted that upon being informed that Nancy had passed away from poisoning, Richard Lyon didnt ask any questions. Have people from all over the world. I doubt very much, that she ate the wood), and either way, it doesnt explain the vitamins filled with poison, or the empty capsules matching those vitamins in Richards apartment, or the fact that Nancy thought he was trying to poison her, or the strange powder she found floating in a drink HE gave her. Texas also has convicted several innocent people though Lyon is not one of these. And was it the hospital that forged documents to make it look like Nancy ordered the arsenic? The assignments things a non-event: plenty of college kids cheat. Plenty of husbands cheat via affairs. During an 8-year marriage, the ambitious Nancy had juggled a successful career with motherhood after giving birth to the couple's two daughters. Required fields are marked *. RR: A jury convicted him of first-degree murder, and Lyon began a life sentence at the W.F. The Nancy Dillard Lyon Trail in Grand Prairie was named for a woman from an influential Texas family who tragically died at her husband's hands. In fact, someone died in my high school every, single year I went there. Richard gave those vitamins (filled with rat poison) to Nancy, and he still had the empty capsules. Julie: I certainly dont think US juries are more likely wrongfully to convict than others juries: that would be hard to evidence and I wouldnt presume to speculate, except to use the countries own stats for wrongful conviction. But did the evidence support this conviction?<br /> <br /> Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut . Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. But what does any of that have to do with the intentional murder, which clearly happened BEFORE she entered the hospital? Because it follows along the south fork of Fish . As for updates on family members of the Lyons, I wasnt able to find out who took custody of the couples little daughters after Richard went to prison. The powerful family had to make someone responsible and answer for it, and as always, TX seems to look at the spouse. Your statement he probably is your opinion. Allison and Anna wish to be left alone by EVERYONE. But did the evidence support this conviction? Incidentally, William and Sue Dillard had already lost one of their adult children, Thomas, in 1986. Of course, I have seen some DAs who do care if the defendant is innocent. That never happened. Short time for jury to make a decision. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. Fortunately, the state of Texas and Nancys family werent so easily fooled. That bid was rejected, although the Texas Department of Justice website gives no explanation. And there was something to gain from Nancys death: a $500,000 life insurance payout. On a January night in 1991, she has severe sickness which showed symptoms that included vomiting and severe stomach pains. Correction: FROM THE TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS: There is no PHYSICAL evidence that directly links Richard to sneaking poison into his wifes beverages. On, no, that was Richard. Interesting. In Richards appeal for a new trial, which was denied, it would have proven the hand writing expert wrong. Adultery and greed are characteristics of the young ladys husband. They must have a view regardless of expressing it. Richard Lyon suffered from addictions to alcohol and sex. Aware that the No. I shouldve added above that of course juries can and should only judge on the evidence presented to them, rather than adding their own second-guesses, prejudices etc to the mix. As a police rep on one FF ep commented of a conviction the case of which was re-tried, resulting in acquittal, said: What do you say? FRL: It was the poltergeist, then; a stranger; or Nancy herself? In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. He prepared documents designed to make it look as though a) Nancy committed suicide, b) her brother murdered her to hide family secrets, or c) an ex-colleague had her killed to stop her from testifying in an embezzlement case. Although Nancy enjoyed the East Coast, Richard made the well-reasoned suggestion that the couple should reside in Dallas, the Dillard family's power base. Did the hospital find arsenical poisoning or is that your own diagnosis? But Nancy said the HOSPITAL was trying to systematically poison her? Smells of a set up. An account of the poisoning murder of Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Texas real-estate tycoon, and the conviction of her husband for the crime provide a chilling look at a sensational case involving adultery, incest, drugs, and greed. Imagine if you were an innocent man who has spent 27 years in prison. They both took the last name of Dillard and Anna got married in 2015 at the arboretum, which has an exhibit in her mothers honor. Lyon has applied to the Innocence Project of Texas and New York, the Thurgood Marshall School of Law Innocence Project, and the House of Renewed Hope. May he never walk free again. And RR you do an amazing job on this website/blog. Slither back into your holes, snakes. Anyway, I dont agree with you regarding juries. He produced diary entries detailing childhood sexual abuse Nancys brother had allegedly perpetrated against her. Lilis presumed (because ambiguous) claim is far too tenuous as it stands to mean anything (see the questions I ask). Lili: How terrible that you were poisoned, and I hope you have properly recovered. One way is when they talk about the overall market, or other general information, instead of talking about the facts of THAT particular business. Burial. You have to show remorse. Adam never killed Eve! Richard deserves to be paroled and returned to CT to his family, or what is left of it. The complaint had sat in the Dallas Field Office, with the fully knowledge and support of Commissioner John Morgan, Deputy Commissioner Ronak Patel and the entire politically appointed State Securities Board for over 2.5 years, untouched. I would have cooked, cleaned, take care of my life. I watched the Sandra Locke made-for-tv movie recently. He did not lie or forge anything. 100 times the normal level of arsenic in her body suggests that much was consumed but over a long period. Coincidentally, the condo is owned by a real estate developer who is connected to Trammel Crow. QED Adams guilt beyond reasonable doubt. And the anonymous threatening letter on behalf of her former coworker was a big nothing. But the mild-mannered 5-foot-7-inch Richard needed a way that wouldnt mean losing custody of his kids or the affluence and prestige that Nancy Dillard Lyons family brought to his life. He tried many times and with different poison. And its a real shame that good decent people are often the victims of narcissistic creeps. If juries are presented with partial or misleading evidence (which could be more accident than design such as failure of the defence to do a reasonable job of interrogating evidence), the wrong outcomes very possible. But hes innocent?!? He will never be released. I have a hard enough time going to work on a good day, let alone fleeing from someone in the midst of illness. Toxic husband. I have watched MANY juries convict for murder on VERY little evidence. Ants implicated. Who buys accidental poisoning? At least, they assume, a convicted person has appeals. His counter theory that Nancy was poisoned by arsenic while building a play house made of CCA-treated lumber is absurd, as surely their children would have been sickened, among other things. Indeed to your reply to my comment. Quick trial. Please tell me . Nancys father, William Big Daddy Dillard, died in 2006 after a 59-year marriage to Sue Stubbs Dillardthat produced four children. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. The two purposely tweaked their handwriting so it looked similar enough that he could get away with handing in papers shed written for him. he even lied to his mistress saying Nancy had a rare blood disorder (why the f**k would he need to lie about that?). We will all stand before God and have to answer for the things we have done in this life whether they be big or small. Charles Couch, the owner of Couch Oil and Gas, located in Dallas, Texas who has had multiple documented criminal fraud and money laundering complaints filed against him, has apparently, left the country for Ghana Africa, despite multiple warnings by those keenly observing Couchs divestment of investor owned assets, movement of large sums of money and the creation of an alleged fraud involving gold mining in Ghana. Paper Lyon. But it was a bizarre coincidence. We know that juries get it wrong perhaps theres a figure for what proportion of convictions have subsequently been proved unfounded but because of the high threshold of certitude to convict, more are likely wrong in acquitting than convicting (which is as it should be). His evil can suffocate him, for all i know, it would be only minus one scum to live on societys tax payers income as he deserved death. Dear RR: I will continue to post rebuttals to your blog post, which should have a disclaimer that it is an OPINION piece, borderline FICTION. The hospital did not poison but failed to test for it immediately. In. She married Richard Lyon who was also in real estate development but was not nearly as successful as Nancy Lyon. Not a very well-made movie. He should NOT be paroled. Sharee Miller did get a long vacation from her life sentence though (July 29, 2009 to Aug. 2, 2012. She didnt appreciate his using $5,900 of their money to buy a ring for Gaisford. Another way of stating: the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation. Novelist Gray ( Killings ) makes his debut in true-crime writing with this story of the murder in 1991 of Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a Dallas real estate tycoon and the wife of Richard. The comment at the YouTube site is also good. Another tragedy. In Richards case, the hospital gave Nancy a medication they knew she was allergic to, which caused other complications as well as other damage. Watch the Forensic Files episode on YouTube. justice served. S: The jury found it implausible that Nancy would choose to die a protracted, painful death (who would, knowing that having given yourself the chance to change your mind, youd done serious permanent damage to yourself?) Friends: Ive done an (inexhaustive) internet search for dallas presbyterian hospital arsenic and dallas presbyterian hospital poisoning. Only the Lyon case shows. Sparkman Hillcrest Memorial Park. Lies, thievery, and in this case cold blooded murder. Im so glad they had the support of others to get them through the loss of their mother & the cause of her death based over their dad! AFTER youve done it. But I have a question: Is the main person of Friends of Richard Lymon either: Update on July 11, 2018: Two corrections were made to the post the website asks for legal help, not monetary donations, and the site itself was created by supporters, according to a representative for Friends of Richard Lyon. And in case that didnt work, Richard could rely on a receipt for arsenic trioxide, barium carbonate, and two other deadly substances signed by Nancy as evidence that she deliberately poisoned herself. His next chance will come in 2021, when hes 64. Forensic Filesportrayed Nancy as a sweet and generous soul, an assessment corroborated by Golden, a newspaper reporter who lived in the other half of the duplex owned by the Lyons. And this isnt based on sensationalism. }} Adam/Eve: names merely used to illustrate the above principle, not the biblical story, to be taken somehow literally. Her husband, Richard, a well-known architect, had been poisoning her for years, most notably with arsenic, which killed her on January 14, 1991. Unfortunately, the cops just made a joke out of the owl theory (I guess they havent learned that implausible DOES happen), but give me one other explanation for owl feathers and her own hair being found in her hand????? It afforded protection only to defendants accused of capital felonies and applied only after conviction or acquittal. Invite friends and neighbors over to watch. IF Nancy told the doctor she thought her husband was poisoning her, then why didnt he call the police and test her for it? Id have thought there should be a protocol about this but can imagine there isnt or wasnt (ie, it may not be that uncommon that people sick with potentially substance-attributable symptoms wrongly claim theyve been poisoned by another). In England the protection against double jeopardy was considered a universal maxim of common law, but the English double jeopardy doctrine was extremely narrow. Nothing sweet about that deal. If I were a dr, a patient saw me claiming to be poisoned by another, and she showed signs of toxicity, Id want to be on the safe side and contact police. Also, when she was dying in the hospital, she told the doctor there that she thought Richard was poisoning her (the doctor waited until Richard finally left her side)! Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. At the trial, prosecutor Jerri Sims called on a handwriting expert who could see the small differences between Richards and Nancys handwriting. Theres always SOME person that stands by the killer, especially one that cleans up nice. All of that was a lie written in Nancys diary by Richard. But members of the jury brought their healthy sense of skepticism with them for the two-week trial. There is only one that will judge who has been given the Authority and Power to have seen all things. He was guilty of one thing adultery, and for that he has paid a dear price. So glad to hear they are both doing well and that their mothers design talent was passed down thanks much for writing in! Very glad to hear hes still behind razor wire. It could have been slow suicide but it would be odd, then, to be complaining for weeks before death of headaches and nausea, never mind that it would be a serious clue that one needed to up the dose, as well as being a severely unpleasant way for a person to take their life. Men murder their wives all the time. Richard Lyon's trial took place on December 2nd, 1991 and ended on January 19, 1992. Richard never denied the affair and has done his penance for it. Who had a stronger motive than him? You need to quit polluting the atmosphere not just the memory of the real victims Nancy and her family. To say this was accidental is absolute insanity. 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