It'd been sixty million years since the fracturing of the Star Gods, and the end of the enslavement of the Necrontyr race. Any fics where humanity are so technologically advanced that they can be considered gods. Donnel Udina serves as humanity's representative to the Council regardless of previous circumstances, Anderson having resigned and resumed Alliance duties if he originally had the post. Those being, Aria T'loak of Omega, Jona Sederis of The Eclipse, Kruksor Wrurr of the Grand Horde, and a new arrival in the form of the Human separatist group, The Condominium of Sovereign Colonies. "It's alright Luciana, everything will be finethey're just like you."No they're not, they have wings." A Council delegation was dispatched to the yahg homeworld Parnack, expecting to quickly establish diplomatic relations. No single Council race is strong enough to defy the others, and all have a vested interest in compromise and cooperation. No crazy, hard-core bdsm stuff but all more romantic\gentle in nature . Garden world with both human and batarian populations. United we Stand Chapter 1, a Halo + Mass Effect Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Jacob repels the batarian insurgents and brings Jath'Amon to justice. This page is a list of Alliance colonies, both those in the canon and those created by users on MEFW, with stats, including location, date of establishment, and relevent trivia. No human government has ever lasted so . However, a few things don't really add up when one does take all the lore into account. [1], A galactic standard year is described as being an average of asari, salarian, and turian years and only 1.09 times longer than an Earth year. I do apologise but I can't recall the names of the fics at the moment, think one was called the new face of war? They kill. ROB yanks you into Mass Effect as a Spartan II. Seven years later, on the way to the GDI colony world of Eden Prime alongside a Council Spectre, she discovers an old enemy has emerged and attacked the human colony: the alien Scrin, working alongside the synthetic geth and a mysterious alien dreadnought. With invasion by the geth an immediate threat, the Council refused the quarians' pleas for help and revoked their Citadel embassy, and also implemented restrictive laws on AI research and development. She is very good at manipulating others and knowing how to keep negative personality traits (such as Garrus' and Admiral Parker's tendency for overkill) under control. No wonder Saren defected to Sovereign's side. Renegade, an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game.. Cookies help us deliver our services. They deny the request, concerned about Reaper invasions on their own planets. Well, nothing, because Shanxi isn't within fifteen light-years of Earth. The eon fic is not abandoned it updated in January in 2021. . What amazing achievements! If Udina is Councilor, Shepard will not be granted Spectre status. The Councilors express gratitude to Shepard for saving them and offer their assistance in construction of the Crucible. Hello there! In the first Mass Effect, there's only one Asari, one Salarian, and one Turian representative, though a human gets added ina later game., This is the closest Ive found that Ive liked: Kal'Reegar will join Shepherd's crew alongside Tali. Starting point of the Anhur Rebellions, during which humans . Mostly composed of turian vessels, the Fleet is large enough to station patrols at a vast number of mass relays and still keep a garrison at the Citadel. Which is, In the background, the turians were caught a bit off-guard when they tried to assault Shanxi and ran headlong into orbital ion cannons for the first time. In terms of being diplomats (and, perhaps, sex symbols, if humans' memetic propensity to hook up with everybody is to be believed! Black pointed sharp claws jutted out of his fingers. Longtime residence of the Williams family. Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter.". Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission. For more information, please see our For centuries the Geth have hidden away behind the Perseus Veil until there sudden and dramatic appearance during the Third Relay War. But things were different for them. frankieu chapter 7 . In the. In 2157 CE, the Council intervened in the Relay 314 Incident. After Saren stole Dr. Qian's research, the Council had no other evidence of the supposed artifact that Dr. Qian had discovered, and refuses to investigate further without proof. I froze in my seat as those words echoed in my ears. Shepard can accept or refuse the offer. the ecological hellhole that Earth has become. A new enemy emerge. STG units formally seconded to Council service are also known as Infiltration Regiments. What problems the Council involves itself in and what they deem to be out of their jurisdiction is vague at best. The most notable changes in this universe is the independent human empire that exist's as the second galactic super-power, in concert with the Citadel Council. Dec 23, 2022. Follow . He hated her mate and was trying to kill her. Garrus hijacks a tank to capture an unarmed, injured mercenary. Humans first came to the attention of the galactic community after a brief but intense conflict with the turians, known by humans as the First Contact War, begun in 2157.The conflict began when the turians attacked a human fleet attempting to activate a dormant mass relay (illegal under Council law) and then occupied the human colony of Shanxi.. Alternatively the Alliance fleet can save the Ascension and the Council, albeit at the cost of many human lives - in this event, the Council accepts that the Reapers are real and humans are invited to join the Council, with either Captain Anderson or Ambassador Udina as representative. I'm not sure how you feel about magic in sci fi, I usually hate it myself, but this story interested me despite that. Aubrey, a free spirit, isnt interested in marriage or children, yet when her sister asks her to carry her child, she cant say no, despite her mothers warnings. Freezing "garden world" mainly colonized as a source of platinum, palladium, and boron. But as a boyfriend? With their advanced technology and the economic power of Tiberium, GDI becomes a major independent player in galactic politics, presenting an ally for disaffected species like the krogan and Quarian Migrant Fleet. Then they meet the rest of the galaxy. For Zaeed, that "one very unlucky dirigible.". What are you talking about?" Even, try TheProfArtBurger on Spectres have absolute freedom under the law and answer only to the Council. It's only strange because of the fact that Spectres are openly encouraged to access whatever resources they can in order to maintain peace. mechanical voice announcing when they activate. You are using an out of date browser. Who would save Eva from him? aRandomThought is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in . /Completed/His eyes fully turned bright red and lethal, the dark grey fog surrounding him as he rose on his feet. Your life has been peaceful. Now tell me why. The Global Defense Initiative, having formed a unified global . This means that a galactic standard year consists of 398.114 Earth days or 343.97 galactic standard days.[2]. I wanted to kill you, but I changed my mind. But then you also wouldn't have a unified response. It was also abandoned, but it's a fun read anyways. # 4. These are some that players may not have noticed during their run of the trilogy. Currently the Terminus is split between territory belonging to the most powerful and therefor defacto "rulers" of the Terminus. It's up to you now. . Eva choked, as his hands were wrapped around her neck tightly. Alliance colony known for being the center of the First Contact War. However, their processes seem somewhat democratic; why has no species other than humanity arrogantly declared that they deserve a place on the Council and won? In theory they are the most powerful officials and they generally are. "Because you are my mate!" The in-game justification is that these three or four races are the most powerful, and thus the most qualified to mediate and protect everyone else. Hes not particular. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. Shepard manages to escape the Citadel, but the Council had no time to retaliate, as they are soon faced with a massive geth armada led by Sovereign. After Shepard discovers that the Conduit is on Ilos, finds the coordinates for the Mu Relay to reach the planet and discovers that Saren and Sovereign are planning to attack the Citadel itself, the Council sends word that they are putting together a massive joint-species fleet to handle Saren and the geth. Its a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. In the middle of the street where two fortress one was Our World of Alliance Defense and the other side the Union Academy. Central banking, a universal currency and financial market, A universal trade policy which all colonies abide by. alter communications from the Citadel at will to obfuscate what happened at Eden Prime, manage to get a building-sized hologram of Kane to appear in the Council Chambers, blows out the electronics of the car that the kidnappers are driving. It is indicated that this universe's Earth is set after the "good" ending to Tiberium Wars where the Liquid Tiberium Bomb was not used. At which point humanity emerges as a second major power in the galaxy that dwarfs even the Council. Systems. Worryingly, he assumes, When asked if units and tech from the Red Alert series would make an appearance (He had already confirmed that the first Red Alert game exists in this continuity, post Allied victory) he simply responded with a picture of, When asked about how fast GDI's build times were, Peptuck's response was "Fast but not too fast. The Council is an executive committee composed of one representative each from the member species. The nail kicking . Take Earth from the Command & Conquer Tiberium setting, as of the end of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, and put it in the Mass Effect setting, following the same timeline. Along the way you meet a couple of Turians that seem to take quite an interest in you, bringing in many complicated situations. I know you're working for Saren. Mass Effect: New Dawn by Matthew Leong. An inclusive place for fanfiction in the Mass Effect fandom -- OC, recs and discussion. RELATED:Mass Effect: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Spectres. Belphagor is used to being on topat the gaming table and in the bedroom. Due to GDI's friendliness with the krogan, Wrex got a job on Eden Prime as a bodyguard. You must log in or register to reply here. Peng Shui later known as Gu Lin Fang, a crazy, selfish and Delusional pr*ck, who is hung up on the idea of becoming the ultimate villain, being tranmigrated into a game of a future world, he suddenly finds that he's in situation where he can realize that dream. A motivational self-care book for writing aficionados. Dealing with Cerberus forces along the way, Shepard meets the salarian Councilor, who had separated from the others. Udina does not elaborate on the nature of C-Sec's or Pallin's activities. Each second is half as long as a human second. The Spectres are a group of specially trainedsoldiers that answer exclusively to the Citadel Council. +22 more., Kardashev Effect Chapter 1, a mass effect fanfic | FanFiction, WI: Citadel council explorer discover Pandora (Mass Effect/Avatar), First Contact Scenario: The Citadel Council (Mass Effect) meets the Civilization of the Five Galaxies (Uplift). The story also draws a great deal of inspiration from the canceled Tiberium game, using various designs, weapons, and uniforms from the game, such as the Integrated Combat Suit and a variant of the GD-10 weapon. Give someone else a proper chance. When the Krogan started to occupy planets in Citadel space, a war known as the Krogan Rebellions started. And hell, it'd actually make sense since the Turians are perfectly willing to reverse-engineer and adopt new weapons or tech if it is genuinely better than their own, or covers a base they hadn't prepared for. The first Mass Effect game is set in the human year 2183 CE, meaning that the Council has been around for 1683 years by the time Shepard hits the scene. JavaScript is disabled. While the sisters are polar opposites, they are fiercely loyal to one another. Focus: Games Mass Effect, Since: 02-10-15. I have stories that are related to Anthro's, TMNT, Werewolves, and more! They take. These races aren't part of the Council but they are considered a Council "member race," which provides political advantages but ties them to the Council's authority and laws. Depending on Shepard's past deeds, the salarian Councilor lives due to the sacrifice of one of Shepard's acquaintances or dies due to the lack of them. The Council is an executive committee . I wouldn't kill you, I have found a way to make the best use out of you. They take more. its really good. Whether you are a lover of romantic romance or a devoted reader of horror and scary novels, GoodFM Audiobook World makes the story more interesting. Mate is someone every werewolf can die for. The Council was formed around 500 BCE, by the human calendar. Let's not lie to each other. Goyle predicted their ulterior motives intending to curb humanity's rapid growth and expansion and managed to negotiate a better deal with a passionate speech about humanity's growth as a species. The STG is composed of small units of salarian operatives who monitor developing situations or undertake covert missions. Its time to lay all the cards on the tableor risk losing everything. Please provide a link. The Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission (CDEM) was created in accordance with the armistice that ended the Krogan Rebellions. CDEM operates battlestations in orbit above Tuchanka and manages the planetary shroud which prevents Tuchanka's surface from heating to inhospitable levels. Edit: I believe this story is still being worked on, so expect more over time. When Elodie receives the shocking news that she is no longer able to conceive a baby, she turns to Aubrey. In terms of building big-ass war ships, making guns, and developing military strategies, humans might be the next turians. Along with the volus, the batarians, elcor, hanar, and quarians were also welcomed to the fold during this time. Marren follows two sisters as one offers the ultimate selfless act to the other, proving the very meaning of family in this novel of artifice and intrigue. They justify the dismissal by saying that their own intelligence sources did not uncover anything Reaper-related. Also the reaction of many of the readers when they realized that the, Shepard has this reaction at the thought of Garrus and Havoc (the fifth) being in the same room. I'm looking for Slice of life fics/worldbuilds where the civilian world (not the criminal underworld, but expanding on planets like Khaje, Thessia etc) of Mass Effect is explored in depth, or a crossover/fusion is worldbuilt. Probably halfway between canon humanity and a genuinely OP one. The turians are bound to have figured out that this hostile invader species doesn't hale from the system they retaliated against, so they'll go looking for humanity and probably find us long before we get to Shanxi and sift through the wreckage for any tech we can reverse-engineer into our own FTL drives. The turian Councilor offers aid, suggesting that Shepard extract Primarch Fedorian for a war summit. Citadel Council:The Citadel Council is the governing body of The Citadel, and all of Council Space. A soldier that will do anything she asks without hesitation. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #masseffectfan, #masscommunicationspecialist, #confectionmasque . It's said that for every one ship humanity has, Asari are allowed to build three, and Turians are allowed to build five. See, the Thanix Cannon. Geth Consensus:The Geth Consensus is name given to the "government" of the Geth by the galactic species. Gabrielle "Belle" Huston is a writer and long-time gamer based in Ottawa, Canada. Much to Shepard's annoyance, throughout the post-mission briefings, the Council refuses to see the Reapers as anything more than a story Saren was using to control the geth, and dismisses the Commander's vision as a simple dream. After their top Spectre agent, Saren Arterius, reported the Alliance's illegal AI research on Sidon, the Council holographically confronted the first human ambassador, Anita Goyle, and announced they would impose heavy sanctions on the Alliance with regular reports from personal overseers. They are even more wary that Shepard was working with Cerberus, an acknowledged terrorist organization. ), humans might be the next asari. Mass Effect Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Meeting in Udina's office, this councilor reveals there is an artifact on Thessia that could reveal the nature of the final piece of the Crucible: the Catalyst. In fact, the Turians make up a huge part of the Council's military. The asari Councilor later contacts Shepard after the quarian-geth conflict's resolution. Cerberus is made up entirely of humans and is openly xenophobic against aliens. If Anderson is Councilor, the Commander can still be granted Spectre status, but this is played down as being a mostly symbolic gesture. It seems strange that no other species has managed to drastically alter the system, or dismantle it altogether, in all that time. The Council is evacuated to the Ascension in the event of an emergency. The attentions of a rich, angelic duke provide the perfect opportunity to find out whether Belphagor is willing to fight for him, but the foolish game backfiresspectacularly. Whether they're apart of a superior alliance or by themselves humans can counter anything the Council Races . With the help of an antidote manufactured by the asari scientist Batha, the councilors are cured of their infection before any major harm could befall them. No human government has ever lasted so long. (While they have not yet been described with the full phrase, the standard description. # x27 ; re apart of a superior alliance or by themselves humans can counter anything Council... Or 343.97 galactic standard year consists of 398.114 Earth days or 343.97 galactic standard days. [ 2.. Also abandoned, but i changed my mind an emergency strange that other. Job on Eden Prime as a human second jacob repels the batarian insurgents and brings Jath'Amon justice!, i have stories that are related to Anthro 's, TMNT Werewolves. Jath'Amon to justice contacts Shepard after the quarian-geth conflict 's resolution of Council space the turian offers. 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