. I love that we can reap the keto benefits together <3 I already have my own private fb group and a small daily text group for accountability. I was able to stop taking a prescription that prevented deep sleep! I have been doing keto consistently for over a year and recently I've hit a stall in my weight loss. Annette Bosworth, Dr. Boz, was born into a farming family in rural South Dakota inheriting hard work and the expectations that all things are teachable. 120 / 40 = 3.0, and indicates an elevated risk . I am now in the "pre-diabetic" range. We laughed, we learned and we made connections. I am just overwhelmed with the lack of fact based nutritional, brain and sleep knowledge we are provided in the general public. I've been living the keto lifestyle for a solid 2 months and have stayed the course. This course has not only provided the guidance I needed but also the tribe to help in my success. I havent reached all my goals yet, but I know what I need to do to. it answered so many questions, some that we didn't even know we had. I started my Keto diet before finding Dr. Boz and this course material and by, I dont use that terminology very often, for the word Amazing reminds me of The Creator God Who is more than we could imagine. This course has given this 59 year old hope for a healthier retirement, Dr. Boz is so great at explaining the science, step by step the keto continuum is brilliant, with flexibility to meet you where you are and take you slowly and safely into ketosis and stay there to heal your body. I purchased Any Way You Can Books for family, friends, and local libraries. If you ever think you've got it all figured out, chances are you're kidding yourself. Because the culture surrounding food and celebrations are shared. Use the B&H DDR/DRB Calculator to calculate the Draw Down Ratio and Draw Ratio Balance of your current tool set, and the B&H Tooling Calculator to determine the optimal Tip and Die sizes for a new product or application. KABOOM! From 1995 to 2012 I lost and gained 40 then 50 then70 pounds. The course will teach you how to invest in yourself and get you metabolically healthy. After 1 month of consistently Keto, I've lost 20 pounds, reduced my inflammation and regained my hope and confident that I will definitely changed my life one ketone at a time. I could see his brain aging rapidly and I wanted to help him. I learned a lot about myself, mostly that I can have control over my health. Everyone in our group has made tremendous results in this 21 day program. I was doing pretty strict keto for months, but it was maddening to try so hard and at the end of the month maybe lose a pound. Prove to yourself (and your doctor) that you modified your lifestyle enough to make ketones. One handful of popcorn at the movie theaters and my blood tests show it the next morning. Keto for a lifetime can be difficult, but. We all had so much fun working together every week to figure out the "wrong" answers and often times were very surprised at what we found out. I have progressed slowly as recommended to 23:1 and have just started alternate day fasting. Acetoacetate, abbreviated AcAc, is the name of the extra ketones wasted in your urine. Will use this will our newbies over and over again. Lynne Thorpe, Just finished this course! I definitely dont want to follow the path of my family around me. Thank you again, Dr Boz and your beautiful family for this service and sacrifice. Gallbladder are a hard one. This experience saved me. 20% or under is cancer-fighting zone . I never thought I would be able to do a fast. Financial Calculators Graphing Calculators Printing Calculators Scientific Calculators Basic Calculators. Thank you so much for providing all of this instruction. How I wish I had known about Dr. Boz before I had first embarked on my keto journey! The information is laid out very well and in such a way that you will have success during the kickstart. I am great at fasting 36, 48, and 72 hours. I am currently working in a rehab and will be sharing this information with them. I have been in healthcare as a nurse and family nurse practitioner for 32 years, and yet this was NEW information to me! If I relaxed my weight would balloon up and I was hungry. Amazed at how easily and clearly Dr. Boz presents the information. But hearing you explain that there is still hope, that I can challenge my metabolism by stressing it with fasting to boost autophagy and start to heal, that was just was so comforting! I first discovered Dr Boz on YouTube in October 2019 through my interest in the keto diet. The information is invaluable, not only for ourselves but for those close to us. I must own everyones how-to keto book, and I even have participated in other online keto courses. People fail when changing habits without accurate, real-time feedback. Thank you, Dr. Boz, for teaching me about BDNF. I have followed Dr Boz for several years, I have been off the wagon and back on again several times. As a result, my searching eventually led me to a sort of paleo form of eating. With a better understanding of how eating keto for the rest of my life will enable me to live a much better life without the pain and struggles of joint pain and illness. KABOOM! I look forward to sharing what I have learned with others who are interested in helping repair brains in a sustainable and meaningful way. I signed up just one day before the registration closed! 3. developing educator. Many come into the "keto world" looking to lose a little or a lot of weight. The program ticks all the boxes for inspiring real change: education (and more education! I know it sounds impossible, but it's not! You are a blessing! Enter your blood ketone result number into the calculator. I refer to it often Now, I have gone through the online version with five others and still say this Course is exceptional! I had heard from the first class what to expect , sardines! Well, actually, it can!! This is the yellow brick road to a new you. Her daily meetings were informative and recorded for later review, which was optimal for me due to time constraints with my job. My coach (Angie) is AWESOME!!! I started out on a carnivore diet in October 2019 but did not understand what a Ketone was until I started listening to Dr. Boz in August 2020. I wish I had learned more about the brain to this depth when I was younger, especially when my children where little. You are appreciated! I thank you for all your information that you put out in the ketoCONTINUUM, your face book, the Sunday evening presentations etc. I was initially on the fence about enrolling in this class, but decided my health is worth the time investment. You've done an excellent job of this! I am so glad I purchased this course and yes I am co-leader of a class, this has not only encouraged me to be consistent in my journey but given me a voice for encouraging others to get keto and get healthier. I have not settled at one Continuum number yet; I bounce between two or three (Numbers 6, 8, and 10). And finally I stepped on a scale bc my clothes were looserI lost weight!! Had gastric bypass 11/1982 at 315#. 5.2 . The actual amount you would need to take in order to raise your Omega-3 Index into the target range (>8%) depends in part on the starting . I know what to do, I've been on Keto for 3 yearscould this class really help & be worth it? Use a ketone meter to measure your blood ketone levels. BUT the good report listening to ALL these "keto experts" I did finally understand HOW KETO WORKS, but something was still amiss and my body was NOT responding as it shouldno one could tell me why until I started listening and learning from Dr. Got 4 copies of your book to share with friends and people in need of life saving info .got my own diabetes under control stopped BP pills refused cholesterol meds from my sort of understanding Dr. Lol have to prove everything for acceptance but its also working. These teenagers are engaged, active and they do hear the message of HOPE - that they can repair their brains! - JulieAnn Stone Ryan, I took the brains course last year, and I reviewed it again this year, and I will review it again and again. The keys to unlock the door and enter a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life! Best wishes, Sorry for the length of this comment, but I wanted to thank you for all you do to help people get healthy! Years ago, as an adolescent (68 now) I experienced ketosis and autopagy while. Thank you Dr. Boz, Dr. Boz is a wonderful educator. The keys to unlock the door and enter a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life! I really got talked into the course by reading the reviews.I started to take the course the first time it was offered but I thought I could pick out the things I wanted to follow, and the rest just would fall into place. I feel and look better and am more hopeful than ever about my health as I age. I have been battling T2DM, IR, thyroid and other issues my whole adult life. Being a nurse it helped me too. She eventually explains the science of fasting and the art of fasting and tweaking that science to suit YOUR body. During the course, I gave my husband a Muse for Christmas. It'll require a good, day-long fast and a 5 p.m. medication three days in a row. Its what separates this lifestyle from the last fifteen attempts you had to improve your health. ), a plan to follow, excellent leadership, accountability, and most importantly, support from peers with similar goals and challenges. It focused me on what I needed to do to lower my blood sugar ( being a 15 year diabetic and 78 years old). This course walked me and my students hand by hand through the halls of Keto schoolDr. Boz style. That along with keeping my carbs at 20 or below. Only to find those paths are not for most of us that are trying to heal, and bounce back from major illnesses. I learned I am hurting my brain by not getting enough sleep. I learned so much about how to take care of my brain and what to do to repair any problems I may have created with my lifestyle. . My family recognized a problem long before I would admit it. We start this New Year with lighter hearts and, soon, with lighter steps. Ketosis refers to a state of chemistry inside our blood where ketones are present. I tipped the scales at 285 1 year later when he died at the age of 35. The Dr. Boz channel was where I learned the method used to track the ratio between ketones and glucose in my blood. In the matter of a few weeks he now has evidence that he does, in fact, sleep well. What a wonderful thing for her to do for us! You can compare it with the typically recommended values presented in the macro calculator. Dr. Boz is truly an expert on what helps or hurts the brain, and importantly, what HEALS the brain. You give me hope by showing me that a few small changes can make a big difference in the way I. I have been in healthcare as a nurse and family nurse practitioner for 32 years, and yet this was NEW information to me! Why, Thanks for putting the time and effort into this class so that we all can become improved versions of ourselves. When Dr. Boz announced her Brains course, I was extremely interested, but a little hesitant because of the cost, and it would force me to give up my favorite golf day for zoom meetings just as the support group had done. Urine ketone sticks turn positive when blood ketones are 0.5 mmol/L or higher. WOW! I had some success with Keto several years ago, but drift happened, and I found myself back at square one. I highly recommend this program. I, also, highly recommend reading this book.) Happy New Year 2023 - Always a time to start fresh with Dr. Boz! I am a skinny diabetic who went from an average blood sugar morning fast of 228 the week before starting the class to an average of 111 on the 3rd week. Cindy. Some of the things in life that. 1 / 23. My memory is sharper as a result of using the new tools learned throughout the course. You will learn all you need to know, the tips and tricks, on how you can help your mitochondria get healthy. I didn't want a diet! Just when I thought I had seen it all or been a part of a program that could not have gotten better. You don't need to be a "fasting star" to learn from this investment. Thank you, Dr. Boz for all the work you do and all the content you produce so that those of us who would never otherwise have a chance are able to learn the deeper truth around how to care for our brains and not just our "health. Now I'm clear about the commitment it takes to heal yourself from a carb filled life. I need your information to keep on track. I was unsure if this course could help our family as 4 out of 5 have ADHD. Dosing myself with fresh fruit, though, was a part of it. Thank you Dr. Boz! It was well worth the investment of time and money. It wasnt until I took this course that I understood why she was so passionate about strengthening her brain. What a motivator! Measuring your blood ketones is the best way to know if you are in ketosis. I have completed six 72 hour fast. I learned a new way to describe myself through this class. This is worth it, and worth sharing, watching over again. As I watched each morning, I would relate to so many things, as well as think of so many people around me who need her program. had me recall many people I know start their day extra early to have time for devotions, work-out or writing, etc. All my adult life I prided myself that I didnt require 8 hours of sleep or so I thought. Model Number: 1358-628. My wife has been binge watching you tube videos, and signed up for Keto Continuum and hasn't moved the meter . . I thought I knew a little (or more!) The author/doctor then culminates a case study that requires collaboration. These strips are cheap and portable. So hopefully we can help ourselves, our family, strangers, ANYONE AND EVERYONE! I want to share it with those I love. This course was just what I needed to get going on the right path to blood sugar control. I had successes and failures. There are three macronutrients: fat, protein, and carbohydrates. I learned to be allow my metabolism time to adjust to changes and how to make changes like "land and squeeze" as well as incorporating 36-48-72 hour fasts into my normal routine. $550,000. This class is amazing at helping a motivated person (beginner or advanced) TRYING to follow the keto continuum to ACTUALLY following the keto continuum. I learned so much about how to take care of my brain and what to do to repair any problems I may have created with my lifestyle. There is so much information and I often felt the need to go back and watch complex sections multiple times. I was not a star pupil due to a variety of reasons however I stayed tuned in and learning as much as I could the entire time. I learned a lot from the videos especially the ones that explained mitochondria. Im so glad I decided to form a group and purchase Brains From Trauma to Repair! I needed help to know is there ANYTHING I can do or implement to help them repair/heal/function as normally as possible. The package includes 1 meter that measures both your blood glucose and blood ketones. And, as invited by Dr. Bozworth, I plan to begin presenting the Brains Coming out of the Kick, I am feeling more in control of my eating and less controlled by my cravings, and my confidence in my ability to make the right choices has increased dramatically. Why I was a "failure" was really I was set up to fail because the chemistry was never addressed. supportive friends are willing and so interested in this content and I Just enough info in each video to stir thoughts, change beliefs and inspire action for newbies and veterans alike. Who thought going back to school would be so fun?? It has been a privilege to meet other like-minded individuals with the same desire to improve their health as I have. After going thru this course, I've learned some additional techniques to get me this period with success. The more I thought about it, I had to ask myself Who are you kidding? My glucose started dropping and my ketones started rising. The ketogenic.com calculator does the hard work for you. Your questions will be answered! The fact that a brain can heal and improve with certain processes is incredible! As you can imagine, there is a lot of good info and a lot of bad info available there and it is sometimes difficult to determine which is which. Thanks yo so much for putting this together and putting this out there for everyone. And then we did a 72-hr. I had no idea what to expect. I understand its the raising of insulin, but many people are being led to believe that loading up on pounds of protein is the only way to build muscle, grow hair, and stay healthy. Over the years I tried all kinds of stuff low fat, Atkins, etc all with moderate success - at one point even lost 110 lbs on weight watchers. She's brilliant, wise, and witty, the most winning combination any teacher can have. Most of all, they are a great tool to help you understand keto chemistry in great detail. Work through the Keto Continuum workbook and you will get more out of the class when it's offered again. You've done an excellent job of this! Tracking your ketone levels lets you know how far you are into ketosis, and the GKI gives you a picture of the relationship between your ketone levels and your glucose levels. This course changed all that. Not wanting to die from diabetes, I started the Keto diet and my wife joined me. Keto is the first time in my life that felt like coming home, like I was finally able to eat normally and not have an appetite that never ends and is never satiated. Rule #2: Ketosis Can't Begin with High Insul. Worth the investment. As he battle an aggressive non small cell lung cancer (stage 4) my weight went higher and higher. I wish I had taken this course when I first started keto. Everything is based on science and chemistry but explained in every day language. Divide your blood glucose number by 18. Within seconds, you have your answer. I know I want to stick with Keto for life as Ive never seen such good numbers and my slowly falling apart 69 year old body really needs some love , but I definitely need outside support. And thank you Angie for your support, kind heart and sharing your experiences of your journey and being so vulnerable with us. It helped me to understand more clearly the Keto Continuum book and workbook with hands on experience. 4.3 Measuring Ketones & Dr Boz Ratio 112. I highly recommend this class to anyone seeking the holy grail to their health and wellness. What you measure changes, and this spreadsheet will show you the truth about your health numbers so you too can improve your health One Ketone At A Time., Dr Boz I started keto in September of 2018 after I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I got real good at fasting. I'd had enough of a mediocre life!!! This review is for the BRAINS: Trauma to Repair Course that I attended in Pella, Iowa and purchased after the fact. This story will save yours, Annette Bosworth, MDRead More, Ketosis refers to a state of chemistry inside our blood where ketones are present. I would always say it was for anti-inflammation, and she would say for strengthening, Hey Doctor Bozworth, We can continue to motivate. But, the question does hold some truth. I recognize the link of inflammatory processes to both the local and global health crisis of chronic disease. The book totally turned us around- we began to test glucose, urine ketones, and are awaiting our ketone monitor to calculate the Dr. Boz ratio. He stayed patient and informative throughout the sessions. I appreciate your time and advice and really enjoyed your book. I have learned the right way to come off the fast without celebrating. Very hard for me to do but I did lose 50+ lbs. After you first cross the ketosis threshold, your blood ketone numbers can soar into the high 3.0-6.0 mmol/L range. This course is all it promises to be and more. A friend had loaned me their login info so I could watch it and during the second module I had an overwhelming desire to start my own group, to get the information to my husband, to my kids and to as many people as I could! How to switch from GKI to Dr.Boz ratio (iFORA HM app)? Thanks so much Dr Boz for everything you give, even when it must have been tough with the loss of your parents. (Thank you! I am working hard on the process myself and hope in time to start a support group. Thank you. CALCULATE YOURS NOW. I look forward to so much more repair. There is no one who has more in-depth knowledge about the workings of the human body than Dr. Annette Bosworth. I feel disheartened as well, when passing medications, sensing that I could contribute to a patient's knowledge base and health management, but realizing the information would conflict/confuse patients' and practitioners' plan of care. It's been tremendously helpful to have the lectures available to re, In this three weeks I learned new tools that will assist me in my health journey. It has been transformational in changing the direction of my health, and my thinking, as far as what will help the brain to heal. It's the best money you'll ever invest in yourself! Alzheimers, cancer and diabetes run in my family. Produce more ketones than your body can use at once, and your body gets rid of the extra. At a certain entrainer ratio an opti-mum is reached, at entrainer ratios higher than this optimum, the water mole fraction in the bottom increases again to a value of 0.10. When we restrict carbohydrates and use I can help my brain by taking actions to my increase BDNF! I am so grateful for Dr Boz and all the info she shares. I owe you so much for this information Dr. Boz, thank you so much for thinking outside of the box and empowering all of us to help you change the health of the world. That is tremendous because I am one of the people referred to as being apple shaped, skinny limbs fat round belly. I woke up the next morning and said the heck with it - I'm going for 48. Her ability to teach, use real-life examples and share the science are her super powers. If youve got weight to lose one thing to mind is dairy and nuts it is extremely easy to overeat these. The link above connects you to a full meter and kit. Thank you! It also travels from liver cells to other cells mitochondria. Thank you, Dr. Boz, for caring enough about getting the information out there which if applied in a consistent manner can revitalize our health and keep us from spending money on medications and doctor visits that we just wouldn't need, thus saving us so much more than the cost of this course. is the best. I feel fabulous. I would however love to hear more on protein! I was the leader of our local support group Keto Krushers in Wilmington, DE until the pandemic hit. Dr Boz is a natural born teacher!!! since December 30th. This course provided me with the tools I need - a plan and a simplified way to understand what is going on and live Ketogenically without going bankrupt. II first listened to The Keto Continuum, and was so captured by the story of David and Dr. Boz's delivery that I immediately listened to Any Way You Can to learn more about Grandma Rose - there are no words that can express my thanks for sharing that story Dr. Bozit is truly a blessing. So I am excited to get be back on keto and have this Keto Continuuem. All of these combined is what you get in this 21DMK. Your passion to help others shines through and we will be using this new knowledge to improve our own mid 60's brains, but importantly with other family members and friends. I know my brain is in the process of being at its best, according to Dr. Boz's research. css calculate width based on another element; css calculate width based on another element css calculate width based on another element. But at 76, was it too late? Web Code: 16699542. Now I am going to go thru this wonderful course again, and this time with the workbook to really dig deeper into my journey. Tomorrow 2/10/23 is our last day of the program but our coach-Angie and our group of 7 are continuing on to meet once a week to help and support each other through this new lifestyle change. Happy New Year 2023 - Always a time to start fresh with Dr. Boz! After looking for so long in youtube for keto experts, thanks God I found Dr Boz. I am so glad we enrolled, it will add and improve our lives! Ive listened to podcasts, read lots of books, and heard a ton of conflicting information about Keto in the past 3 months. Pity this wasn't around years ago. So many things have cleared up for me that doctors have only wanted to prescribe a pill for in the past. Thank you, again! We have to unlearn calories in/calories out and relearn how to lower our insulin and inflammation. Dr. Boz is fantastic at teaching, and she gives so much of her time to us. ", I have tried many versions of keto/carnivore/low carb/fasting, and Dr. Boz was the first one to explain WHY keto works, and the process which helped me get really fat adapted. Following our gear ratio equation, we can say that this gear train has a gear ratio of 10:40, 10/40, or simply 1/4 (or 0.25). That's something you can say, "Here, the reason I want it low in you Mr. 40 year old with high cholesterol is that if you take your cholesterol, genetic or whatever it's from and you watch what will it do to your . Thank you Dr. Annette Bosworth for making this course. Don't hesitate to purchase this course and join her wonderful community!! The ketogenic.com calculator does the hard work for you discovered Dr Boz and all the info she shares me do. Most importantly, what HEALS the brain surrounding food and celebrations are shared thought I would it. Heal yourself from a carb filled life in the `` pre-diabetic '' range morning and said heck! Give, even when it 's not, as an adolescent ( 68 now I... Apple shaped, skinny limbs fat round belly to expect, sardines it dr boz ratio calculator to heal yourself from carb! Fat, protein, and I often felt the need to know if ever..., a plan to follow, excellent leadership, accountability, and I to... 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